Inshallah, shield our gazes from the horror of the wh*te female dog

1  2020-05-26 by CarneBasado


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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I smell a little meth goin on here. Choppers look like a worn picket fence.

So I've blocked you. Wondering why? Please consult the criteria below:

✔️You done a racism.

✔️You done a sexism.

✔️You done a bi-erasure.

✔️You heckin disrespected sex work.

Reddit is my weapon of justice, and the block button my bullet.



  1. Inshallah, shield our gazes from th... -,

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Walled at 27 years of age

Eww w wtf? This is why i date any ethnicity but white.

Volcel if you wouldn't

Cara is the bussy lover’s gussy 🙄

Literally morphing into Dasha.

Is that the girl who killed her boyfriend from texting him or whatever?

Bitch look like the shah of Iran


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Why are Britbongs so recognizably ugly?

She looks like she needs to put the pipe down and have a good sleep tbh 🥴


She gets paid to exist

Why do 'men' pretend that this creature is attractive?