
1  2020-05-26 by Joker_IRL_2020

Presidential election, trump, joe biden, memes, United States, country boundaries, immigration, inevitable debates that lead nowhere but more division, is division good or bad? I don’t give a fuck. Police brutality. Living in fear. Die to the one in blue, protected by all. Totalitarianism. Anarchism. Fucking politics. Shitshows. Failures. Losers. New election. More bullshit. Make it happen again. You gain nothing. They gain millions. Is that good or bad? I don’t give a fuck. I want peace and quiet. Why is society chaotical and noisy?

If fear was a blunt, I’d roll that motherfucker up... and then I’d take twoooooo puffs.

Do you ever want to just close your eyes. And never wake up again. I tried asking how to induce a coma without harming yourself in the process but it always gets taken down. The next election and shit, just more propoganda to digest, can I just rest my eyes for a minute. This rage and psychedelic rage from the fabled 17-26 group. Following politics is like eating some shit soup. Maschochists and fascists and ideological futurists. Is there a way out of the brain swimming in a psychological soup. It’s an out of body experience, just toning out the noise, the brands, the tv, the bullshit. The type of shit to make me kill some, drill some, brains with a flathead, or blow up a co-ed.

If fear was a gun, I’d load that motherfucker up... and I’d fuck my braiiiin up.


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Please please just shoot the place up I’ll pay you

leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. Fuck - archive.org, archive.today

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Every sentence uttered is fueled with names, tags, brands. “Alt right”. “Edgelord teens”. “Tankies”. Shut the fuck up. Please just shut the fuck up.

stfu stupid woman

Yes sir

Hey kendrick. Calling yourself king fu Kenny is problematic cultural appropriation , do better


Are you going to shoot up your school or something?

If they open up before it ends