So I’ve noticed there is a lot of people who are extremely insecure about their height, and I think it’s insane!
I believe short men are much more attractive than tall men. I believe around 5’ and 5’5 is the perfect height for men.
For instance, the shorter you are, the easier you are to pick up and have anal sex. Guys who are tall usually weigh a lot more, and are harder to adjust it properly. In my experience men who are short also tend to be cuter than taller men, though that’s not a fact, it just happens more often that I see a cute small guy.
The weight is a major benefit, the fact that you can be 110 lbs without being super skinny is awesome. I can appreciate a man who is in shape but isn’t going to break my back trying to lift.
DaVida wrote in an accompanying Facebook post: 'If the MASKS work, WHY the 6 feet? If the 6 feet works, WHY the Masks? If BOTH work, WHY the LOCKDOWN?'
If the SEAT BELTS work, WHY do we have airbags? If the AIRBAGS work, WHY do we have seat belts? If BOTH work, WHY do we have SPEED LIMITS?
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.
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2 SnapshillBot 2020-05-27
So I’ve noticed there is a lot of people who are extremely insecure about their height, and I think it’s insane!
I believe short men are much more attractive than tall men. I believe around 5’ and 5’5 is the perfect height for men.
For instance, the shorter you are, the easier you are to pick up and have anal sex. Guys who are tall usually weigh a lot more, and are harder to adjust it properly. In my experience men who are short also tend to be cuter than taller men, though that’s not a fact, it just happens more often that I see a cute small guy.
The weight is a major benefit, the fact that you can be 110 lbs without being super skinny is awesome. I can appreciate a man who is in shape but isn’t going to break my back trying to lift.
In conclusion, be happy about your height
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1 VanillaReign 2020-05-27
Bonus retardation:
If the SEAT BELTS work, WHY do we have airbags? If the AIRBAGS work, WHY do we have seat belts? If BOTH work, WHY do we have SPEED LIMITS?
1 Das_rite_ 2020-05-27
Back in my day we didn't have any of these fancy things. We died like real men.
2 BroughtToYouBySprite 2020-05-27
Thank you for your service! 💀
1 TylerJGay 2020-05-27
The difference is a car crash can kill someone under 80
1 Das_rite_ 2020-05-27
Islam is right about women
1 grandpapoopy 2020-05-27
jokes on her that it covers her mosquito bites.
1 muchomasturbations 2020-05-27
she looks fucking anorexic lmao