The exact moment men become (((women)))

1  2020-05-27 by Goes_Down_on_Women

We live in a society

Yet there is no consensus on when a fetus becomes a human life (lmao rightoids and leftoids get wrecked yalls brains r as developed as a gussys clitoris)

What about when a man becomes a woman? Those of us who ooga booga in caves already kno the answer

  • (((Biology))) is cope as human life is not important. The monke always lives on

  • The provenance of Allah is universal

We can objectively determine exactly when a man becomes a (((woman)))

  • This is when they wear the hijab

Say it with me now:

True transwomen wear hijabs, anyone else claiming to be a woman is an infidel

Why is this important?

  • It was G-ds idea to cut off some of the penis

  • Now G-d demands men cut off all the penis

With the wisdom of Allah men can fulfill their purpose on this planet - becoming cute lesbianic tradgirls with massive cocks to ensure a future for the monke race


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اوه اوه بوی بد

Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.


  1. The exact moment men become (((wome... -,

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Oooh oooh