'Incel' violence is a form of extremism. It's time we treated it as a security threat. /r/Australia

1  2020-05-27 by thowaway_throwaway


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser. Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. 'Incel' violence is a form of extre... - archive.org, archive.today

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Redditors actually agreeing with this lel

That's right bitches. Be afraid 😤

can’t wait for the war between male feminists who can’t even make a fist and incels

both equally pathetic groups 🍿

Never, ever underestimate how powerful a motivator pussy can be. I'd put my money on the incels easy. If incels didn't have the power to topple society, alphas would still have harems and bigamy would be the default.

If incels are so dangerous, why won’t the government just legislate that every male will get a crumb of pussy each year? No more involuntary celibates.

Checkmate libtards.

Literally just legalize prostitution. This is a problem civilization solved before the first city was even built, but somehow people think they can just re-invent the fucking circle.

Why pay for something you can drug? 🤔

If you don’t want them to shoot up a school then stop making fun of them, it’s simple.


They just do it anyways.

See also: the mid 20s ones not in school doing it too

Literally getting wrecked by angry internet virgins lol. Bring back bullying.




Lmao imagine thinking lonely, bitter men are a security threat. This problem will solve itself when sex robots become a thing.

Those boomerang throwing cunts should focus on their pedo problem

The hacker group know as I.N.C.E.L strikes again.


inkwells and inkwell haters are both so pathetic lmao. just grow a bit taller and be a bit more attractive bro. stop obsessing over the evil inkwellerinos online bro.

Whining over "lookism" is a cope. A tall good-looking(ish) guy needs to approach dozens of women to get anywhere. "Incels" probably need to approach a few hundred but all guys are basically in the same boat - they get laid by putting themselves out there and being a bit sleazy / sexually aggressive and learning how to do this without coming across as a creepy autist.

"Incels" just rage quit because they've started the game on a higher difficulty, but when it's a game you can win just by grinding they're actually volcels.


Get blown up by Ahmed while his brother's rape my children or get called a mean name by an incel? Real hard decision there.

No one in that comment section is even talking about incels, they're talking about Nazi punks or some shit.

They are the same bigot

Compare this to reddit's takes on gang violence:

Anywhere that has large groups of unemployed young men, you’ll find gangs, terrorist groups, etc.

Young men want to feel like they belong to a community, find purpose, provide for others.

It’s human nature and it doesn’t mean they deserve to die. If they were given the same opportunities as everyone else, they wouldn’t be in this situation.

Bl*cks can do no wrong

Suburban white redditoids infantilize joggers so fucking much

I mean I don't really disagree with that take, it's just absurd that they don't apply the same logic to incels.

Is this a direct quote or did you paraphrase



Misogyny is the cardinal sin to redditors. Doesn't also help they treat blacks like children with no agency

What a bunch of faggots

Imagine being scared of someone who can’t get laid 🤣🤣

This is why after COVID-19 ends, we still need to institute a travel ban from AU, NZ, and Canada to the USA. The incels in those countries are the most likable people and even they aren't that likable.