centrists are pathetic

1  2020-05-27 by coldera_

fuck off back to drama faggots you couldn’t be more boring if you tried

extremism creates quality drama being a spineless freak too afraid to have an opinion doesn’t


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Some guy made a fucking meme trying to frame it as being the same as domestic abuse and the people calling him out on it were being downvoted in the comments and being told that it was “just a meme”. One of mine got threaded to r/deuxrama or whatever that fasch sub is called, because r/battlefieldv notoriously houses actual fascists who can blend in thanks to the viral Wehrabooism.


  1. centrists are pathetic - archive.org, archive.today

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better than being a spineless freak who parrots their party line cuckboy

what party line? what party exactly do you think i’m parroting here retard

this is supposed to be a drama sub so pick a side whether you believe it or not and be interesting

nibba I'm not just gonna pick a single side and mold myself to wherever they say, I'm gonna take what I want from as many sides as I want. and if they don't like it they can seethe and eat my dick.

pick a single side

wouldn’t dream of it, my opinions change hourly but they’re always extreme

Hate to break it to ya but you've made good progress on the way to being a radical centrist


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Centrists overwhelmingly just say whatever some rich guy with a hand up their ass tells them to say.

They aren't even centrists. They believe in shit that like 15% of people would vote for if given a clean chance. There's a reason neoliberals have to glom onto other parties--no one wants to vote for their shit by itself. When was the last time a voter went, 'You know what I really want? To ship all the jobs to China and take a massive paycut while watching a bunch of child trannies dance for gay guys on the TV!'.

Never. You fucking never heard that.

guarantee majority of you centrists are under 18 and probably ugly so your opinions are less than worthless

this is like pot calling the kettle a nigger

Guarantee youre a virgin lmao

This doesn't exactly counter the 'you're just an ugly kid, lmao' sentiment.

if it helps you cope you can believe that

moderates are lame but radical centrism is cool

Me when I wanna take land from minorities and redistribute it to white people in the name of the king and free market

/r/drama isn't centrist, it's neoliberal. That's just fascism with extra steps.

You're not invited to my grill party. 😢

True DeuxThads will be too centered on their own fully erect cocks to be centrist. They are as extreme as their lust for bussy.

Posting your own wingcuck hugbox memes isn't drama sweaty

i don’t know what those words mean because i have sex

pillows dont count lmao

political drama is for people too ugly for celebrity drama


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It’s not about rightoid leftoid centrist, it’s about serious posting and agenda posting.

extremism creates quality drama

Yeah and only the apathetic (of all political stripes) can truly appreciate the drama of the agenda poster and people that take reddit seriously

Is hating women a political opinion?