Obviously the cop murdering that dude was completely fucked, but 1 how is this humorous on any level? Also the amount of delusional chappos in the comments is hilarious.

1  2020-05-27 by ToonamiWasted


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Cop murdering the dude was kinda funny tbh cmon

I hate cops and black people simultaneously

Now this is the centrism I like to see ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ

but cops protect u from blacks, unless ur a druggie

Rightoid OUT


Cops don't protect shit. They show up after the fact.

cops protect plenty, they just dont protect the worst group of people in the usa, which im quite fine with. shame they protect your ungreatful ass though

No, I protect myself. Cops wheel out corpses blacks already created.

Do they think they are making a difference, other than circlejerking? If only, they make the situation worse by acting stereotypical and dividing. Many new righteys become more and more right because of things like spouting white privelige, black lives matter or whatever identity shit people come up with. This shit only encourages moderates to become more extreme while achieving nothing remotely funny.

rightoids become rightoids because leftoids hurt their fee fees and not because they have society's best interest in mind

The ABSOLUTE state

I would argue that in their own mind and alternative facts, they have society's best interest in mind. In the end, the mainstream of both sides are filled with pondering to monke values, and rejecting rationality. Who do you think would win? A faction that leds you to believe on your side(whites) and is fighting against the big baddie? Or a faction that can be exploited much more easily and essentially relies on the same ideas and doesnt ponder to your monke tribe? Its especially easy to recruit people who feel left out/ see themselves as outcast. Thats why we see the right emerge more on edgy /outcast young npcs and see the left emerge from oversocialised status quo npcs.

A lot of the leftoid extremists are outcasts as well. Both feel scorned and want to revolt against society

In the end, it will be monke VS monke. I really dont see society moving forward in terms of cultural rationality, any time soon. I mean, cutting off your dick is considered being a woman now??? And even worse, the thought of wanting to behave like a woman is sexist in itself. It implies that people are bound to enjoy things/ act according to their sex and much more shit that would be too long to explain. Alternative facts, regarding race have also become much more popular in the past few years. The fact that we still measure people on how they look, shows how monke-pilled society is.

In the end, it will be monke VS monke.

Not to be too much of a fedora tipper but humans are retarded tribalistic monkeys and that will never change

Guess youre right.

Ledditor political """"humor"""" is nothing but agenda posting

politicalhumor isnt funny

News at 11

Well, this one is at least a good satire and political commentary, which is more than can be said about 99% of the content that gets up-boats in that sub.

Water is wet

Pretty forced post from arrr PoliticalHumor but as long as may* rightoids seethe I’m fine with it

When blackfricans take a knee they get cheers but when whiteoids do it they get harrased. Sick of these double standards

Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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  1. Obviously the cop murdering that du... - archive.org, archive.today

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chapos own reddit fuck this

👋🏻 🚪

You're literally 17

and i still understand things

I'm akshullee very mature

Lmao it's over for you, incel

he uses memes to communicate

he spends his teenage years sperging about leddit politics

Never even began for you little incel. Downboat more like the seething ledditor you are

you seem angry about your incel points

You seem defensive about my incel points

old loser chapo has 10 thousand karma and posts on le ebic offensive subreddits to get cool points on leddit and complains about teenagers



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Good job automod, it's sad when supposedly grown men get btfo by underaged retards.

I'll take your word on the Chapos. I'd rather not risk cancer.


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he ripped a fat one bro


I don’t get how kneeling is a sign of disrespect

Then what was the purpose of doing it

Kneeling is a sign of respect.

context: anthem

It's a different context lmao

Chapos deserve the wall.

On the left : a millionaire taking a knee at work and using the media attention he didn't pay for to echo his political message, on the right : an underpaid civil servant putting his life on the line daily being blamed for doing his job.

Why do we care? Why are you posting this here?

Guy: Your in an echo camber. Other Guy: Your in an echo chamber

Oh shit is "Take a knee" the new "kys"?

That jogga got owned. Reddit just keeps seeeeeething about it

why did u say the j word bro

I'm something of a jogga myself

The left pic of course. Nothing wrong with boys in blue arresting criminals. r/LoveForLawEnforcement