The Relationship All Deux's Are Granted By Our Creator

1  2020-05-27 by GWashingtonsGhost


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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Based thick mommy making sure her husband eats well

Thicc my good sir.

Based time traveling redditor from 2016

he forgot the 🅱️ased

gibe thick white woman

God I fucking love white women but hate their obsession with dogs. What do fellow deuxchads ?

become your own white woman

Eat dog soup to steal dog essence to your Qi meridian

That's all well and good, just don't fall for it when she claims that this baby is yours.

active in r/askteenboys and r/askteengirls

Out ➡️

would be spit out of r/Drama faster than he can say sex

Is “she” trying to recruit teenagers to a discord server? Teehee

ok boomer

bro im dying how did you come up with that joke


ok boomer

Ebic owned :D



It's cool. My dad was a werewolf. Probably got it from him.

haha hey two snack packs

Hey Deuxchad, why does your wife pack you TWO snack packs?

tfw no mommy dommy gf 😢😢😭


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lmao who would care if someones lunch was packed by their wife

Women who don't have men to pack lunches for.

Can't pack a lunch for your cats

More like women who don't have children to pack lunches for. If you're making a batch of packed lunches then it's hardly any effort to add one more. You already got the ingredients out.

Being a supportive wife js oppressive. Being passed around like a football is truly emancipating though.

People who easily swallow ragebait and counterragebait

lmao who would care if someones lunch was packed by their wife

People who see women doing anything that men like or appreciate, as the losing end of some "power struggle", rather than those women doing something for someone they care about.

When someone looks at relationships like that, and they have the belief that women should never "lose the power struggle", you get screechy feminists howling at women who don't toe the party line.

Also see: women dressing in clothes men find sexually attractive for another version of this.

I got shit from my boomer co-workers. I would sometimes bitch about what my wife packed me for lunch and then they'd tell me 'well maybe you should pack your own lunch'. What do they think this is 2020?

based and loving-wife-pilled

Good feminists don’t love their husbands sweaty.

wait, wait, wait.... hold your horses... uhm... YOU'RE A GIRL DEUXCEL?!!?! O_O Not to be a freak, but.. just when I thought you couldn't get more attractive.. you started posting on r/DeuxRAMA. Nicely done, m'lady. You've just become every man's dream woman. If you had missed a couple before, now you can be sure you've got us ALL "drooling", lol.


  1. The Relationship All Deux's Are Gra... -,

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YES bow down to your deux mommy

Terfs are not allies.

o hello little worm x

the FUCK is that green shit? Chads don’t eat green shit, whats next you gunna play the nitendo switch munching on that green shit while your wife gets ravaged by an urban youth??

I am a Chad, and I eat a lot of soy to contain my sheer endless power. Otherwise I would be a Gad with multiple dicks and muscles so big that it is unpractical.

Lucky man

She should pack milk. If I found any cow milk in that house and none of hers I’d beat her

They just mad that king has a Prime Braghog Mommy packing his lunches.

My wife packs my lunch too

This guy's wife packs lunches for the whole crew.

Nice lady.

-Sent from my Grugphone

This isn't even that uncommon they're ranchers or farmers.

In my native Pakistan, literally every working man who has a stay at home wife (which is most) has his lunch packed by his wife. It's a point of pride: look my wife packed me this sick ass motherfuckin Biryani today, what did your wife pack today AMJAD? Oh bhindi again? Lucky you.

bhai pakistan lauta dey yar

You first :P

hindustain destroyed with facts and dog dick :(

literally every working man who has a stay at home wife

This really only doesn't happen with:

a) Rich people.

b) Angry western feminists.

Don't worry. This is probably the only thing you guys do that's normal.




If you gave a hole a place to live for free, I think wanting a sammich in your paper bag is reasonable

Thicc mummy bringing the Kabana sausage, Coon cheese, chicken crimpy biscuits, and massive side tits.

It's crazy that people get angry over shit like this now, it used to be encouraged behaviour - and it should be.

I’m so fucking jealous

Couples do things for each other you unlovable hags

Woah it's like you're supposed to love and care for your soulmate, who would've know that 😳

Unmarried 50yo hags BTFO

What a lovely thing to do, if I ever get married, my wife and I can pack each others lunch.

Compassionate and lovepilled

who "slammed" her for being a loving wife? bunch of post-wall spinsters probably

I'm 22, my mother makes all my food even though she lives in another city. Fuck cumskins and their independence bs, mommy for life

Imagine being such a bunch of bitter old cat hoarders that such a simple and universal act of love as preparing your spouse's food could be seen as somehow wrong...

Most aussie women aren’t that based lol I’ve had some shocking experiences with Aussie women aye


Immagine not eating a healthy and balanced diet