This Is My Tribe.

1  2020-05-27 by ikigaii


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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There is no difference between trannies like this and furries, except that the former has institutional support.

furries are loaded on cash them mufckun fursuits $5k and they get a new one after they soak the previous one in cum

At least furries are good artists.

Wait do people actually donate to morbidly obese and hideous troids like they were decent looking foids?

Maybe I should become "trans" too and get those soy shekels to supplement my NEETbux.

I doubt they got much probably like $50 bucks total from their friends and then their parents have to bail them out

Glad to see boogie successfully transitioned.

Why are they all poor?

Trannies and e-begging. Name a more iconic duo.

Trannies and suicide?

13% and 50%?

AHS and child porn?

2% and 95%

Bolivian Estrogen don't come cheap

Literal goblin

Some guy made a fucking meme trying to frame it as being the same as domestic abuse and the people calling him out on it were being downvoted in the comments and being told that it was “just a meme”. One of mine got threaded to r/deuxrama or whatever that fasch sub is called, because r/battlefieldv notoriously houses actual fascists who can blend in thanks to the viral Wehrabooism.


  1. This Is My Tribe. -,

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Thought this was a political compass meme at first.

I need another $1000 so I won’t get evicted.

I died, there’s no way this is real.

How fucking expensive is rent where he lives??

the entire twitter history (500k posts) of this mountain of flesh is literally either retweeting woke garbage or begging for money

I feel bad for these people. Crippled by pornography and internet addictions. They should have spent their formative years lifting weights and listening to black metal, like me.

Sam hyde

Gat daym boiiii

Wanna make this shit any harder to read god fuckin dammm son

bottom left proves it has achieved female humor.