Journalism is a mistake.

1  2020-05-28 by strumyabird


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Based and killing dragons pilled

my crush chose journalism as her major and it is legitimately heatbreaking to slowly see her descending into hell :( satan please do something

Satan doesn't even participate anymore. He watches people plunge themselves into their own hell.

“A black goat walked into my living room and started talking about living deliciously but I was too busy starting wars and scolding people for going to the beach.” - a journalist

Black Phillip probably wouldn’t take the chance. Could you imagine the psychological strain when the journo sexually assaults him (like they enjoy doing)?

Satan is hiding from the shit the world has become

I went down that path for a few semesters. Had to switch out based purely on the self-righteousness of the professors and classmates. Just didn’t like the culture of it at all. Then I unironically learned to code.

my crush

Children out!

It's to the point where I honestly don't know who I hate more, journalists or child molesters

That ven diagram is probably close to a circle.

Not all child molesters are journalists but all journalists are child molesters.

Now be fair: many of them are just regular rapists

Definitely hate the molesters more. I need journos around for the cheap laughs

Based indeed. She could be collecting that sweet based department pension but her true passion is starting N towers in YouTube comments.

gamers rise up

only if granny Shirley leads the uprising

I would follow her to Hell itself

son if Shirley said to storm VG247's HQ no amount of riot police will contain the tidal wave of fat sweaty virgins rolling in baying for blood

As the gamers ambled and shuffled their way to the defensive barricades, the trepidation among the police ranks was palpable. Individually, each member of this pasty horde was no threat - most could scarcely make eye contact, and none could heft their immaculately cared for military hardware off the ground. Their true offensive power did not lie in their semi-automatic rifling or even in the odd katana that a few of them would unite to lift above their heads, in some strange show of tribal unity.

No, it lay in their odor. The pungency had turned the K9s against their handlers, and more than a few of the brave men in blue were clawing at their throats and faces as the combined odors of a few dozen sweaty men hit them at once. Civilization would not hold, they knew, and as the men prepared their tactical nukes, they shuddered to think of what would come next

Modern journalism represents our modern society, meaningless shit that you look at for 10 seconds before hitting like and forgetting it ever existed, no need to make actual in-depth factuals article

Reject modernism embrace monke



Mean Grandmommy no longer play games

Let's say you've been a bad girl. Let's say, hypothetically, you've been a naughty girl even. Ok, and if you were a naughty girl, you would be my dirty little slut right? Then hypothetically speaking, you would be my little cumslut. Now, let's say you're also daddy's girl.

Now that we have established that you are both a bad girl and daddy's girl, I believe you'd agree with me when I say that you deserve a spanking. Am I not correct? A bad girl deserves a spanking, and as I am daddy, you are my girl, so I am the one who must provide punishment.


  1. Journalism is a mistake. -,

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lmao wtf

Ben Shapiro dirty talk

We can get to journalists later. Right now let’s focus on Kotaku.

There are independent journalists that are willing to risk their lives to try and inform their people about what their oppressive government is doing

Then there are internet "journalists" that write clickbait articles about youtubers and streamers just to fuel their shitty website so that they could make 200 more bucks this month

You don't understand.

Luke exactly knows that Granny Skyrim doesn't realize how hard she gets harassed by them evil gamers and what it does to her health.
He's the true saviour of speaking out the truth Gran is too demented and scared to say out loud herself. What a hero.

Since when was it acceptable for journalists to use insults and swear in their work?Looks disgusting and cringy.

Video Game """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Journalism""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Some g*mers are alright.