This is what target gets for killing that guy

1  2020-05-28 by shaggy1452


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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They dindu nuffin!!


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Dindu: lmao gimme a PS4 nigga

oddly enough, the office/school supplies and work boot section remains untouched. hmmmmm

Stop recognizing patterns.!!!! We wuz kangz n sheeiiit

That entire thread of people need to be bullied

How many times have black people murdered other black people or murdered white people in the time since this “”story”” (((broke)))? 100? 200? 300+?Why is one cop from one city in the Midwest supposed to be a justifiable reason for the entirety of the country to start having riots and attacking anyone in a uniform? Are these people too stupid to comprehend what a local government is or a local jurisdiction or that even county by county police departments can be radically different in terms of their professionalism, training, duties etc. How many black officers have committed police brutality against other black people? Wasn’t that guy in Baltimore killed by like 6 black cops? Why are whites still blamed for this?

The media has been setting this up for years dude. One race-baiting story after another with no follow-up after the facts come out. We just had the jogger race-baiting story, but clearly arguments to be made about the situation. Now we have an actual instance of straight-up murder on camera by an asshole cop. White on black so it's a total media frenzy. These people aren't smart and they are easily manipulated. They actually believe that being black means you will be hunted in this country. I don't really blame them, chimps gonna chimp. I'm mad that cops are so fucking corrupt that they still haven't charged those assholes when we have murder on camera plain as day, and now stores are being torn apart to pay for their corruption.

God redditors are retards, they think everyone caught on camera will be brought to justice, like how much CSI and Law and Order do they think is reality.

Well luckily for the blacks facial recognition doesn't work on them. You'd think that the racist Nazi white supremacists that supposedly run the country would try a bit harder to make the technology that's supposed to be used to oppress the racial minorities actually, you know, work on those minorities. Worst authoritarian dictatorship ever.

Is this a protest or an excuse to get your hands on some free stuff guilt free

I love free stuff

In which the most virulent anti zionists defend a symbol of globalism because they hate roodypoos even more 😂

This really rustles my jimmies.

Calling it now, the comments are gonna be locked when I go to the original post

Well fuck ne I was wrong

It's locked now....

Y’all can’t behave


careful. the chimp simps might call you a racist for looking down on looting!

Lol at fat stealing fucking lamps

I lol’d hard at that one. Waddling out

Even the monkes know that you have to get the electronics. Imagine going to jail for a $20 lamp

ngl joggers stealing tv's are not exactly protesting, but if everyone else are doing it im not gonna miss out on a free flatscreen with super smash.

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Back when I was in my 20s, I had a Little Mermaid backpack. Wore it everywhere. Why? Because I really like the Little Mermaid, it was a good backpack, and it let me know immediately which guys were insecure idiots.

If I was on public transport and I saw a guy smirking at my backpack, I was never bothered. I knew that if the two of us were dropped in the bush with nothing, I’d most likely be the one walking out alive. I didn’t need to prove anything to them, and they’d already proved they weren’t worth my time.


  1. This is what target gets for killin... -,

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Retail isn't exactly a highly defended sector when it comes to mongolian-style raids. Dont know why such a maneuver requires a blood sacrifice.

Because, it’s done in loving memory of George Floyd

What are we talking about??

good comment. have an updoot, sir

Thanks for the stranger, kind gold.

shut the fuck up

"stranger for gold" be careful, you might offend joggers

Wow, one of the looters even painted themselves like a white person! That’s commitment!

Diversity is our greatest strength

Its like they use peoples deaths as a pass for grouping together and committing crimes lol

It's called a chimpout

a whole lotta crackkkas taking part too

White people can chimp out, if they've spent a lot of time surrounded by joggas


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I saw one mudshark.

Why is she stealing lamps? Light is not her friend.

I'm legit laughing out loud over this.

We're all primates.

They’re in fucking Minnesota. It’s 83% white.

Twin Cities is considerably darker. Then you hit St. Cloud, which may as well be New Somalia.

Objectively speaking, rioting is the only real deterrant they have for the more egregious cop on black violence.

Oh you wanna cap an unarmed black teen for jaywalkingjogging? Get ready to risk your life defending a fucking flat screen.

The point is, right now no cop will dare to get any close to a jogger


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I already saw people comparing this to the boston tea party

Reel mericuh

Yeah except they didn't steal that tea they threw it in the ocean. It made sense because it sent a message.

I fail to get the Connection between the Protest and some apes raiding a strore

I can't wait for the influx of cheap 4k tv's and fortnite nerf guns on craigslist in minneapolis.

I wish the cops would shoot somebody in my shithole, I've needed a new TV for months

Why are they just jogging around all the libraries and book stores to jog inside Target? 🤔

They looted a charter school too, so they got their books and school branded calculators already


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oh no, the multinational corporation is losing profits

You’ve missed the point fren.

explain it then

It’s the idea that because the cops killed some guy, we’ll use it as an excuse to plunder.


lol imagine believing this shit. it was just self defense

we’ll use it as an excuse to plunder.


You mean black people?

Hey hey hey!!! There was a white lady too!

and the problem with that is?

The problem is that you shouldn't behave like an animal

This isn’t nam. There are rules

so you should just act normally when the state summarily kills people on the street?

What part of police brutality implies that you should go loot a store lmao?

The average jogger is 24x more likely to be killed by another jogger than a policeman.

Should you rob people who had nothing to do with it?

The corporate powers and state security apparatus have nothing to do with one another? The are deeply intertwined and represent the ruling class of the country. Further in targets specific case they operate the largest private forensics lab in the country.

Target isn’t a person nitwit, it’s a multinational corporation. So yes, sitting in a street peacefully does nothing, hurting corporations cash flow pressures charge and gives more visibility through news coverage

The only thing this does is make more people hate blacks.

They weren’t sitting in the street peacefull though were they? They were smashing up cop cars, which makes sense because it was a cop who did the bad thing, not target. Plus all the target employees who now have to deal with the fallout. You think the target CEO is going to miss a couple of $300 tv’s? No, but some poor schmuck who just wants to punch in and punch out now has to deal with this bullshit.

I literally said peacefully protesting does nothing, please read before typing. The the hurt is put on the county and city by looting, they 1. Earn no tax revenue from the establishments since they are being looted and not generating money and 2. They have to spend a fuck ton of money due to the riots.

You seriously think the employees at target give a shit? They get paid any way, as a former retail employee no one gives 2 shits about people stealing

As a current retail employee, i don’t give a shit about stealing, untilnit becomes my problem because instead of stealing you’ve destroyed fucking everything and i have to clean it up now. My pay doesn’t go up just because some degenerate started chimping out.


Don't you have a gaping wound between your legs you need to attend to?

ok and?

Target isn’t a person nitwit, it’s a multinational corporation

which employs hundreds of thousands of people. this hurts the working class immensely. you'd think a chapo would understand that.

how does this effect the working class in the slightest, even the people at the store still get paid lmao

how does a store getting destroyed affect its workers?

lmao indeed.

wow this is literally the smallest brain take possible, congratulations!

people losing their jobs doesn't affect them

you'll know when you get a job

I’ve had a job for half a decade, you are still a fucking imbecile

LOL. pure chapo inadequacy

"Gives more visibility through news coverage" What? you're acting this is positive reflection of joggas, this directly trivializes their agenda and makes presuppositions about their motives i.e. racial profiling, statistics, etc. entirely warranted and justified.

>whats the problem with plundering

I dont know, maybe stop driving business out of your city, so you don't have to complain about being poor and there being no jobs?

Working at a target or any hourly job to the like will not elevate you out of poverty, also that’s literally the smallest brain response possible to attack the rioters. There are like a dozen better arguments to choose from and you picked that

Upvote the lolcow!

Alright, who fed the chapofags after midnight?

i am become ownd

I feel like I'm just watching you reply to every comment deeper and deeper into the thread when you mentally checked out like 2 hours ago and are just saying whatever they don't want to hear.

I never mentally checked in, no one here has a consistent ideology besides laughing at people they view as inferior


They gud bois, they go da church

dindu nuffin

My man casually strolling out with a vacuum cleaner.

Do they even sell hoovers that aren't in the box, or did that mother fucker steal an actual vacuum used by Target

Probably the display model. It also looks more like a carpet cleaner, imo

fug, forgot to peaceful protest the attachments and filter assembly

There is always tomorrow

yo homie, is that a Dyson? 😯

Nothing wrong with adding Target to your jogging route.

You can even pick up free jogging hammers while you are there.

Don't forget your free jogging Timbs.

why jog without a cold refreshing drink? as our two brothers towards the end of the video were doing. preparing for future jogs by borrowing a mini-fridge

Why are niggers like this?

It's pretty much their only evolutionary strategy. Christ, parts of Sub-Sahara hadn't even invented the wheel before colonization.

Most hadn’t invented a written language lmao reject modernity nigga

The inventing the wheel meme is retarded. It only made sense to invent it in places like the Middle East where you could use a wagon or chariot without building a huge road network first. It's not like Europeans invented wheels on their own.

Oh yeah, dude. Carrying water on your head for hours is way superior to using the handcart. How could a wheel even function on flat savanna?

Yeah, it never rains on the savanna and gets muddy. 🙄

Ye, dude. Way more muddy than the traditionally sunny Britain. They would probably never have a moment to even use the cart down there in Africa.

You think they invented the wheel in Britain? Jesus Christ, the number of literal retards arriving here in the last few weeks is staggering.

Seething so hard you've become illiterate.

Indo-Europeans were one of the first peoples to independently invent the wheel lmao

It's not like Europeans invented wheels on their own.

based and Ancient Astronaut-pilled

ppl really do be sayin Uncle Ted was based then turn around and praise the invention of the wheel as if was a good thing smh 😒

It's a damn good point. The wheel and fire was when humanity really went down hill.

They prefer the term JOGGERS you piece of shit

joggers is our word you can use jogga

I'm genuinely curious if this would've been any different had it been a black cop. Or would it still be "rah fuck the police" anyway?

So many people seem to think every cop wakes up thinking "man, can't wait to go shoot some darkies today"

We haven't had a mass red pilling event since saint trayvon and the gentle giant

You would think it a redpill, yet people still defend this.

Drooling white guilt suffering libs will jack off to this shit in between cuck porn sessions

Getting redpilled is a hard and long process full of denial, but someday they will accept it.

It really wasn’t hard at all for me. I was a huge libfag, then i listened to like... 1 tucker carlson video and was like “wait a minute..... they said this guy was a racist, but he’s actually just like... right” and that was the biggest and easiest redpill i ever swallowed

I remember my first year of Reddit, I was one of those assholes at r/gamingcirclejerk, then one day when I realized how full of faggotry that sub was I made an r/justunsubbed post and I got brigaded and witch hunted, I was a literal "ally", whiteknighting and simping, I got called a nazi and a trump supporter when I was the opposite.

So some months more and I started agreeing with some based subs, went into the rabbit hole and now here I am, completely ashamed of how fucking cringe I was, it doesn't help how in that year my school was full of "revolutionaries" that I hated. (Interrupting classes, making graffiti with stupid quotes, etc.)

In a few words, they themselves did the job, how I now am is a reaction to what those imbeciles do.

Imagine being such a fent addled retard that a tucker Carlson video changes your entire outlook on life.

That was the abridged version of what happened, but when i realize they lied about him, it got me wondering what else they lie about. For the first tome ever i was willing to at least hear what the “enemy” had to say, and that shit was monumental


I used to be hard core into the alt right but then I watched a memri TV clip and now I’ve converted to Islam PBUH

This but unironically Subhanallah

my entire political outlook 180'd from a rightoid YouTube video

Woah... baste...

Yeah removing the brainwashing can be hard cause it starts so early, not to mention I wager a lot of awfls haven't experienced the cultural diversity that joggers can bring. They also lie to themselves and everyone else about how they really feel. My wife was like this, grew up in a super affluent area total awfl. The true colors came out when we got married and were looking for an apartment. Then it became the complex could not have section ape. We went to a couple which didn't accept section 8 but she saw a couple shady looking joggers and we never got out of the car. I feel like a huge section of shitlib and awfls are just like that. Hell look at Samantha bee and her fight to keep her school district to not bus in joggers

Riots are based, and the cops were in the wrong. Im usually anti-groid but im anti pig on this and race riots unironically will deter c*ps from doing the same shit in the future. Honestly im surprised theyre looting a target instead of a black owned business

Honestly im surprised theyre looting a target instead of a black owned business

Gotta have loot to get looted


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this event leads to deescalation in the mid term, which is good

Your grandchildren will have no civil liberties at all.

"Everybody, that cop is in the wrong and deserves to be in prison! So, obviously, the only sensible solution is to burn down businesses and low income housing and steal a bunch of shit! That will affect the change we want!"

Yeah, that makes sense.

If anything they should have raped some white women too

The people who are defending this are long gone, it's moderates who look at this and the people who defend it and think "what the fuck".

You care more about target loosing some merchandise than the the government killing cutizens, that's the opposite of redpilled. Allah forgive us deux is overrun with /pol/tards and rightoids

If you think target had anything to do with some dude getting killed, you’re literally retarded. Can i have some of your crayons? I like the orange taste the best.

Let's all run to Target and act like living stereotypes! That'll teach those pigs a lesson!

You seem really upset. Did the looters break all the imagine dragons CDs or something?

Only faggots know who imagine dragons is.

If these looters wanted their riot to actually mean something, they'd be doing it outside city hall or the local police precinct.

Exactly. They're supposedly mad at the police and the govt, but have yet to target anything having to do with the police or govt. Feels like maybe their being a little disingenuous in their arguments as to why they're doing this.

So what did the school that was robbed have anything to do with the police fucking up?

They looted a school? Lmfao hadn't heard about that yet.

Can we get a shot of a the fresh produce isle? (i don't know if targwt has one)

Another successful Biden rally.

You ain’t black

I just hope they don't vote for Trump, imagine how terrible it would be if you lost your n word pass and became a cr*akkka.

All they've ever done is leech off the successful races.


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When will Americacorp learn their actions have consequences 😔

Mayos mad black KINGS got free TV's from a billion dollar big box stores lmao.

Look at them J O G

Why are they all PoC???

I don't know, probably those Cuntservatives paid them to loot so that our KANG 👍🏿🤴🏿💪🏿 race gets even more bullied and slaved.

There is literally a fat white foid in this picture

There was literally one mudshark. So yeah statement that they’re all POC is totally debunked right?

ngl, that does look fun. And I love the lamp lady.

She gets some soft lighting for her home, and a great story to go with it!

Just doing a little shopping here.. don't mind me.

Did you remember to bring your shopping hammer fren?

Sorry I left it at home 1.30 hours for here

I too live to shop hours from my home

I know the UK is a monumentally cucked country, but when we had riots in 2012 everyone caught looting got serious jail time, 17 months was the average prison sentence. No one here will be doing any looting any time soon. The US should have put their foot down a long time ago. Looting seems normalised there now.

It's totally normalized and justified in america. I kid you not in SF a new legislation was passed recently were by law it's now completely legal to still any and everything as long as the stolen merchandise remains under the equilibrium price of $950 dollars. Guess how perpetrators are reprimanded? A misdemeanor...

yeah and they did coronavirus too

that’s such a funny caption 😂😂😂

the black pills are being mass produced and swallowed voraciously by the normies today boys

nogs gonna nog

Some spicy comments on the thread. Me likey

That's a lot of joggers!

Why da fuck is it called Target if they don't want their asses hit


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Random chimp event


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the fuck is happening now? i know about george floyd, but what the hell is happening? what looting? what armed rednecks? the fuck is that???

The armed rednecks a cool tho

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I hope that guy cooks up some delicious beef stew in that crockpot. I have a good recipe.



  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 pounds stew meat, cut into 1-inch cubes
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1 pound baby red potatoes, quartered
  • 4 carrots, cut diagonally into 1/2-inch-thick slices
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 cups beef broth
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoon dried rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1 teaspoon caraway seeds, optional
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley leaves


  1. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat.
  2. Season beef with salt and pepper, to taste. Add beef to the skillet and cook until evenly browned, about 2-3 minutes.
  3. Place beef, potatoes, carrots, onion and garlic into a 6-qt slow cooker. Stir in beef broth, tomato paste, Worcestershire, thyme, rosemary, paprika, caraway seeds and bay leaves until well combined; season with salt and pepper, to taste.
  4. Cover and cook on low heat for 7-8 hours or high heat for 3-4 hours.
  5. In a small bowl, whisk together flour and 1/2 cup stew broth. Stir in flour mixture into the slow cooker. Cover and cook on high heat for an additional 30 minutes, or until thickened.
  6. Serve immediately, garnished with parsley, if desired.

Unironically saved for later use

Not surprising. During the LA riots, they burned down everything EXCEPT the welfare office...

Where are my fellow white people though 😤😤

Shit, i’d be there getting free stuff too.

lot's of jogging going on in that store

What isle is the jogging hammer and jogging tims in kang?

When did this sub become MDE?