These riots in Minnesota really have me worried.

1  2020-05-28 by colormebadorange

Look I’m as upset as the next guy about that policeman kneeling on that guys neck without gloves and a facemask, but these riots could just end up making things worse. I saw a group of people attacking a policeman without gloves on. That kind of skin to skin contact DRASTICALLY increases the chance of transmission. There was also a guy going into a store WITHOUT A FACEMASK to loot. I also saw a group of arsonists setting fire to a building standing much less than 6 feet away from one another. People really need to take COVID-19 seriously or someone is going to get hurt when the new case rate goes up 2 or 3 percent.


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If you look at vids, all these joggers that had no mask yesterday are magically wearing one when looting that new 53" plasma TV

the police execution was disgusting af, but this gonna make it all about rioters using this to get free shit instead of police brutality.

It's almost like that's how basketball Americans are🤔

"Fuck the police"

-Someone gets murdered

"Why aren't the police doing anything!"

Police should follow the law too.

Fuck no

corona is over nigga

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. These riots in Minnesota really hav... -,

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Finally thanks for mentioning this. I had almost forgotten to be scared of corona


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