Jogging is becoming increasingly popular

1  2020-05-28 by Digital_Existence


My favorite one was where this stupid bitch climbs onto a cop car and falls off, then the people in the crowd are going "call 911"...

I almost pissed myself laughing. video in this article.

God just tear gas them all. That or drop some firecrackers in the crowd.

Don't bother sending an ambulance, clearly they don't want the white man's help; let them figure out how to set a broken bone.

Hey!!! I'm 2% black and I find this offensive! If you'll excuse me, I need to put on my boots, time to jog.

don't forget your hammer

Random chimp event

Where are roof koreans when we need them.

This time, the election will be vikängz vs kangz.

something something shopping carts determine a person's morality

What that policeman did was cleary murder, and I support the peaceful protestors, but if you use this event as an excuse to loot the store for a new TV, then you're a scumbag, and you disrespect George Floyd's memory.

I think he'd want me to at least have a few lamps

he would have liked a few lamps for himself too if he was alive

he would have liked a few lamps for himself too if he was alive



I love lamp 😂

They should commit forgery in his honor.

is it turning violent or turning into looting?

that sticky post with my old lady nude yesterday kept my attention away from this i missed it

Uhh, both?

No, just us. No peas.



Notice that the self-righteous coronacucks haven't said a thing about the lack of "social distancing" here. thinking emoji

Ilhan Omar has just declared her support for the riots

I'm Muslim and she's a dumbass. I was all for her when she started talking about lobbyist groups then the incest stuff came out, which is haram with a brother.

Then the cheating with the white boy came out... Yeah no. She's a 'modern Muslim' in my eyes now.

I'm so happy that people now take care of themselves and exercise so much!

I notice they're not setting fire to police stations or courthouses, only places that contain expensive consumer goods.

Big brain twitter users are blaming undercover cops for setting the fires

Those places don't have new TVs

I thought that's what they were gonna do wouldve been swell.

They’re just taking back what is rightfully theirs that was stolen from them by capitalist pigs! It’s obvious they all read Das Kapital and were inspired to overthrow the system!

What will they do when these regions turn to online only orders?


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Based black people.

Does anyone really think it’s not rad to start breaking shit when you’re convinced your people are being overwhelmingly fucked by the system? White people get shot by cops all the time and they just pretend that’s not a problem. Black people go fucking nuts and start burning down buildings, which is a way more appropriate response.

I’ll never understand why the right hates BLM and whatnot so much. Yeah, obviously they take the idea of social justice to a comical extreme, but damn, at least they’re fighting against a decentralized fascist authority regime that kills people without proper cause all the time. They have such a rich community at this point that when a black person gets killed, all the black people in the country rise up like their high school friend was shot. How sick is that? Who even cares if the particular shooting of the week was justified? There’s an obvious lack of power held by the people against police forces with their own agenda and they’re arguing against that, which seems to be something the right should generally be able to get on board with.

Unless you regularly break the law you won't really interact with the pigs that much. Back when I still lived in my old shithole they sometimes bitched at me randomly but now that I live in a hick town I have not had a single interaction.

As for blacks, now that I moved out of the hood I can be amused when they loot and burn shit and do other crazy shit since it no longer affects me and is kinda kekworthy.

Tho it also amuses me how much they seem to care about some criminal getting wasted by the pigs while not giving a single shit about the rampant jogger on jogger murders in the hood.

Some pig caps a jogger and its national riots and angry mobs at his home but when some corpse turned up in my old hood every couple weeks it was all dindunuffin, dinseenuffin, dont give a shit.

As far as I see it, getting butthurt about some piggy wasting a black criminal is just an excuse to steal some shit and have some fun burning shit.

they think in us vs them monketribe logic. Whiteboi do something bad = all whiteboi wants to kill us. They want to show signs that they arent giving up in fighting for equality and being accepted as humans, ironically further enforcing racial stereotypes through violent approach and further dividing between joggers and vikängz.

They dindu nuffin

Din do nuffin doe!

Gathering in large groups to protest quarantine during a pandemic: 😡

Gathering in large groups to protest a black guy getting killed during a pandemic: 😊

Dangerous monkes

Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Jogging is becoming increasingly po... -,

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Expect enthusiastic joggers in your neighbourhood soon and don't complain if they use your home or business as part of their jogging route.

Yikes sweaty you're supposed to say jogga jogger is their word your so problematic 💅🏾💅🏾💅🏾💅🏾


Set up a table and hand out jogging hammers in case anyone forgot theirs


I can accept jogging, but why don't they respect SOCIAL DISTANCING?? Don't joggas know we have to flatten the curve?? At least wash your hands before smashing windows!! I'm feeling so disappointed now 😔

Im so disappointed. I thought the blacks would be more progressive than they are rn. As a white liberal who spends so much of their time fighting racists IRL and online, it’d be really nice if the blacks could just go along with the program and realize that I’m the good guy they should listen to.

Indeed. Not to mention the black LOW INFORMATION VOTERS cost Bernie the election. Why even live when your 2 presidential candidates are both rapists O_o

Don't give up hope. Here's how he can still win

Okay, guys, he never, like, officially quit, rite? So, uhm...

and you're supposed to wipe the window down before you smash it too... don't want to get that rona on your hands.

Holy shit I didn't even think about this. Literally right before this reddit was all upset about any and all protests due to COVID and now they're shilling for BLM when they're rioting lmao

Black protesters turning violent,who could have saw that coming

return to monke

Bro, they’re just chimping out. They are channeling their monke.

So the time for the random chimp event is finally here, huh?

Guess those cops had a point after all huh?

Ayo, deze niggas say we violent and shiet, let's shoot they ass

Umm, Yikes. Just...... yikes.

Do you realize you're making me lose faith in humanity? Maybe, just maybe, think about it for a minute, it's because of systemic racism? It's called being a decent human being, big oof

"protesting" = "looting"

Who wold have thunk it

Tomorrows headline:

racist virus lynches joggers by exclusively targetting them in new spike in cases

INB4 was the white mans plan all along.

Whiteboy's done it again

Wait wtf


Remember, it's wrong to judge an entire group of people based on the actions of a select few, be it blacks, Muslims, Christians, or activists.

Unless they're cops, then hashtag ACAB


Time to deploy some roof koreans.

Luckily Target put them all out of business.