Damn those hate facts!

3  2020-05-28 by arsepirate69


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How do you say nigger on mandarin?


Niggle me this

Whos the 13% yet commits the 50%

what accounts for 13%, but also half?

The niggler strikes again

Niggle me black niggle me blue what accounts for 13 but also 52

Slave owners that had a big nose?

Niggle me this, niggle me that

what makes up 13%

But also half?

Wtf I love China now!

Based ching chong

Is there really a mandarin equivalent to nigger? I thought only english speaking mayos had that exclusively offensive version.

You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. Damn those hate facts! - archive.org, archive.today

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China do be really takin over Africa slowly šŸ˜³

The best thing is they don't have white guilt. Their is no equivalent to the mental gymnastics awfl in ching chong land. Hell they came up with a derogatory term for white western liberals....baizuo.

This is why I identify as Siberian and not hwite

The inevitable race war between Africans and the Chinese is gonna be better than any American riots. Merciless African niggas vs uncaring, concentration camping chinks.

China low-key pretty based

Modern military equipment used by uncaring bug horde people vs used ak 47's by people people who didn't invent the wheel

I dunno man. Africans have been living in a state of civil war and genocide for hundreds of years, China hasn't fought since WW2/civil war and even then Mao got curb stomped for the first half. There's a billion niggas with a very young population and not much to lose. They might unite against the bug horde and enjoy a new, challenging form of war.

Didn't the Vietnamese kick their ass back in the 70s when they tried to invade them or some shit?

Chinese forces entered northern Vietnam and captured several cities near theĀ border. On March 6, 1979, China declared that the gate toĀ HanoiĀ was open and that their punitive mission had been achieved. Chinese troops then withdrew from Vietnam. Both China and Vietnam claimed victory in the last of theĀ Indochina Wars. As Vietnamese troops remained in Cambodia until 1989, one can say that China remained unsuccessful in its goal of dissuading Vietnam from involvement in Cambodia. Following theĀ dissolution of the Soviet UnionĀ in 1991, the Sino-Vietnamese border was finalized.

Both claim victory, no real victory conditions. Your point is still true China sucks at war lol. Even as far back as the Opium Wars.

lol they're just gonna nuke the blackboys back into the age they belong, pre-invention of the wheel

Don't need the wheel if your primary method of transportation is jogging.

I hope we still get to watch on TV.

Nah. They're heading the way of Japan. Everyone said the Japs are going to rule world in the 80s & 90s. Then their population starting declining and now they're in permanent decline.

It's already started actually; CCP is trying to import African immigrants as cheap labour and is facing backlash for it at home.

I mean Japan was cucked beyond recovery after WW2 and they were entirely dependent on the US for it's well being and even then their population is not comparable to China. I'd say China is a whole different beast uncomparable to Japan.

Looks like India is going to be the new China. They will pass China in population and it wonā€™t stop because there will always be people who will stay poor no matter what. Middle class will not make more than 2 children but the untouchables will always multiply

The funniest thing is, after the chinks are done with Africa, the pajeets will join in. The superior races will run trains on the Africans for eternity



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poor kids are just as smart as white kids.

we choose truth over facts

Rightoids saying they love China now, when they call white people 'Ghosts' over there lool

ghosts are cool though

Cant wait for WW3 wipe all these sino and euro fags of the map