Brother didn’t tell us his boyfriend was pedophile now he’s mad

2  2020-05-28 by iamlem


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Imagine letting your children around people who reproduce via pedophilia

#NotAll pedophiles are homosexuals but #All homosexuals are pedophiles! #MAPrights #PRIDEmonth #voteLP #Anime #FreeLove 😘

You were in the wrong OP. I understand the whole bf has pedo attraction, but you were asked no kids. You acted like an entitled Karen. " I know better than what you want. Your wants mean nothing to me." Imagine he was a recovering alcoholic. They asked no alcohol, and you brought booze because your brother loves booze. The bf finds the temptation too much and takes a sip. Now he is drinking again. Your attitude was doubly wrong because YOU, not anyone else could have put YOUR kids in danger. My mother did something similar to me, had me atound a pedophile, then acted shocked when something happened. She was on the hook for child endangerment. OP that is what you did. You endangered your child by blatantly ignoring the request for no children.

Dude what??? 😂😂😂

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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check.


  1. Brother didn’t tell us his boyfrien... -,

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