Looks like we have twitter's response to the President's social media executive order.

1  2020-05-28 by Lehk


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If only. It would be the beginning of the end for Twitter. Imagine the social media market share they'd lose overnight if they banned President Trump. Whatever social media site he moved to would see a massive surge in popularity almost immediately. People who want to follow his posts would sign up. People who want to continue attacking his every post would sign up. Other Republican politicians would sign up in solidarity, and Democrats would sign up to rebut him with their own replies.

Talk about a money's paw wish. Yes, please Twitter, ban Trump. It won't change the legislation that's coming, and it'll do nothing but harm your own business.

Twitter would be fine without trump. Do you think people only have one social media account? The higher level thinking is really lacking with you people. Any alternative site would be basically the GOP's for 4Chan. Once again way to think that one out kiddo!

Oh, go crawl back into DeuxRAMA, or GoldandBlack, or whatever other gross anarchocapitalist incel spawnpit you originally crawled out of. Mammals are talking here, Pepe.


  1. Looks like we have twitter's respon... - archive.org, archive.today

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