Incoming drama as Daddy appropriates Chinese culture and imports the Tiananmen Square massacre to the US

1  2020-05-29 by A_Jewish_Nazi


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I actually hope they keep rioting cause I wanna see what happens when trump calls in the entire military for no reason. His dumbass is probably gonna call in an AC-130 lmao

Trump about to get that 7 kill streak helicopter

😎 gamer moment 😎

Let's hope they don't get to 25.

reminds me of WW3 with North Korea 2 years ago and WW4 with Iran 4 months ago

AC-130 is the way to go. Level the areas that are rioting, start fresh by filling them with hard working hispanics.

Friendly AC-130 above

Lmao, if he starts shooting these looters, he's going to win every swing state from Pennsylvania to Arizona.

Daddy is going to use Minneapolis to calibrate the missiles

Roll the tanks daddy!

Based Daddy putting Amerilards out of their misery 😍

My opinion: Trump is right on this. The protestors ARE NOT SOCIAL DISTANCING! Trump has come up with another one of his cures for COVID-19: Lead, injected directly into the bloodstream.



This is why we need Islam.


  1. Incoming drama as Daddy appropriate... -,

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Based daddy 😍😍 slaayyy king

daily reminder I have a huge turd in my bowels with your name on it and its about to come out of my ass and into your mouth

😍 daddy 😍

Begone chapo

you're one of the tard looters too aren't ya. Steal any good lamps?

How much is Xi paying you? Are you doing for free?


r/sino bootlicker confirmed

They aren't just china propaganda, they're actually affiliated with subreddit like r/moretankiechapo, in their sidebar.


The great boogaloo is nigh.

Daddy committing cultural appropriation smh #canceldaddy

Oh cool. A new call of duty game is coming soon!

New Objective - Get in the zone, Autozone

Tweet got yeeted


This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about glorifying violence. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible.

Oh my god, this is GREAT. He is already pissed at twitter. Only a matter of time until he snaps.

Can't have a Chinese style massacre without a Chinese style social media ban.

It was obviously calculated to bait twitter in to doing something like this.

get dat UV light bomb drop

To be honest it should at least be the State Guard and not the military proper. But yeah, better to escalate than actually put businesses and people in danger by doing nothing