1 2020-05-29 by Migtowaway
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-29
I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
1 SnapshillBot 2020-05-29
This is a great post to show the limitations of the human brain.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 Joggeratusbasatus 2020-05-29
So biology matters now
1 Migtowaway 2020-05-29
1 boyoyoyoyong 2020-05-29
What does this mean for a troid filled olympics
1 00062aa6 2020-05-29
Biology only matters when I say it does, bigot
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-29
I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
1 SnapshillBot 2020-05-29
This is a great post to show the limitations of the human brain.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 Joggeratusbasatus 2020-05-29
So biology matters now
1 Migtowaway 2020-05-29
1 boyoyoyoyong 2020-05-29
What does this mean for a troid filled olympics
1 00062aa6 2020-05-29
Biology only matters when I say it does, bigot