I'm impressed. Might be one of the worst things I've seen online in a while. Can I steal it, or could you please post it to places like /r/darkhumorandmemes? I know they're retarded but they've got the attention of AHS right now.
Not only do you say horrific things, you also actively contribute to a misogynistic thread to continue flaming the fire. Honestly, there is something deeply, deeply wrong with you as a human being. I hope one day you find clarity, and let go of the intense hatred that is in your heart.
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-29
Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT
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21 seraph9000 2020-05-29
The weak should fear the strong.
13 UnalignedRando 2020-05-29
I'm impressed. Might be one of the worst things I've seen online in a while. Can I steal it, or could you please post it to places like /r/darkhumorandmemes? I know they're retarded but they've got the attention of AHS right now.
9 I_abhor_redditors 2020-05-29
Can someone with an alt account post this in r\pics?
8 Schr1mpy 2020-05-29
Will post under "BasedFrenchy2" or other variations of "BasedFrenchy"
Probably get deleted but oh well
3 I_abhor_redditors 2020-05-29
Nice I'll keep rewinding new in r/pics.
5 Schr1mpy 2020-05-29
I've got infinite Frenchy accounts, might keep posting when it gets deleted
2 I_abhor_redditors 2020-05-29
1 [deleted] 2020-05-29
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-29
Pings by unapproved deuxcels are automatically removed. If this is a good ping, it may get manually approved.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
2 I_abhor_redditors 2020-05-29
Haven't seen any at the moment.
1 glouis646 2020-05-29
It's upvoted wtf
1 itsmethatbinch 2020-05-29
I’d comment but I’m permabanned from that sub
2 Das_rite_ 2020-05-29
Alt account? I'll use my main.
1 [deleted] 2020-05-29
8 Abnobaa 2020-05-29
Damn I wish that was me
4 masticatetherapist 2020-05-29
just go to bulls'r'us and find one to choke you out with a dick
3 yocrappacrappa 2020-05-29
Which one?
5 Abnobaa 2020-05-29
8 Ikdkes 2020-05-29
What the mainstream news doesn’t want you to see
5 uhhyikesmuch 2020-05-29
Based mainstream news
4 boetubs 2020-05-29
15 Rosey9898 2020-05-29
5 boetubs 2020-05-29
2 DoorbellGnome 2020-05-29
Did your mom catch you looking at black dicks again?
1 FroppyHoppyMyFloppy 2020-05-29
Ruin your nofap?
4 Jannieseatdoodoo 2020-05-29
3 googleussliberty 2020-05-29
I got banned for posting this last night. FUCK JANNIES. ALL JANNIES ARE BASTARDS.
7 masticatetherapist 2020-05-29
OP is a jogger and got the jog pass to post it
4 Joe_Rogan_is_bae 2020-05-29
Can confirm, I stole a paperclip once and instantly went from Irish white to full Congolese
2 Shitposting_Skeleton 2020-05-29
3 officer-maggot 2020-05-29
I Can't Breath!!
2 SnapshillBot 2020-05-29
Not only do you say horrific things, you also actively contribute to a misogynistic thread to continue flaming the fire. Honestly, there is something deeply, deeply wrong with you as a human being. I hope one day you find clarity, and let go of the intense hatred that is in your heart.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
2 UserNotHere404 2020-05-29
Pwease mister, put a nsfw flairie wairie on dis posty wosty
2 Pampibambi 2020-05-29
was waiting for this to be posted lol
2 HitlerSayTransRights 2020-05-29
very based
1 eujwhwge 2020-05-29
Is that kali muscle?
1 PleaseUpVoteMyMeme 2020-05-29
look at him proudly showing off his shlong im proud of him
1 largepaycheckaddict 2020-05-29
Give em the ol stink face rakishi!
1 PanFiluta 2020-05-29