mfw deux OG

1  2020-05-30 by HaltOverDow


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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homesick for a place i'm not even sure can exist anymore

ahs posts and zoomers’ schools being cancelled and their consequences have been a disaster for the deuxchad race

When is 🇨🇳 finally going to eat an animal that carries zoomer plague??😞




mfw mdeuge

MDE never dies

How do we keep getting away with this

Reported for pedophilia.

May Allah separate MDEgenerate’s heads from their bodies efficiently and systematically

let the mde and pol kikes out

weve been kicked out of 109 concentration camps

Based taliban

Why are you being a bigot? They just want to enrich our culture

I miss mde and cringeanarchy, the latter was prob my fav sub

i miss jailbait :(

Its missing the reddit admins and jannies in that pic

You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. mfw deux OG -,

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