The 20 year old looter

1  2020-05-30 by Kuolla_Nuomalla97


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Reddit is my weapon of justice, and the block button my bullet.



  1. The 20 year old looter -,

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Sentience has been achieved

Snappy has been on a roll recently

The one thing you never see these urban youths stealing are the work boots!

Sent from Bill’s Galaxy S2

They jog in them though

-Whipipo brain virus

Extremely deadly known to attract “hunters”

Built in a lab and only affects joggers

Spread from a henny bottle

The only known cure is to light buildings on fire

No it's that whipipo have a virus in their brains that makes them kill blacks no matter how liberal they are.

Oh. I’m out of the loop. White people kill joggers? I looked at the FBI crime statistics recently and blacks must be misinformed. It seems they are likely to kill whites 3 times more than the reverse.

The great kang, Van Jones ✊🏾 coined the term, “white virus”. He’s always been such an intelligent and inspirational voice in the jogger community.

Isn't /pol/ just Mossad agents larping?

Don't forget the shareblue trolls.

MAGA boomers did more damage than any organized effort by feds has ever done.


the eternal angloid, master of his language, using it as a weapon to criticize the higher races


Would have been a lot funnier if called “protestor”

Yes but looting has the oo sound in it, referencing the other wojak memes (coomer, consoomer, boomer etc.)

Good point!

Grove street. Home. At least it used to be till I fucked everything up.








Yo CJ wtf are you doing on reddit?

I don't know what's more based, sending mail bombs through postal service, or looting a bunch of pansies


This is too accurate.