1  2020-05-30 by myNAMEjef420


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Memri TV is the only reliable source of news

I think every country can come together on this. Including Canada.

Yeah if I was asked to defend Canada, as a Canadian, I would just laugh.

Diversity zoo shithole. It's not a country any longer, just a tax farm.

Leave the GTA retard 🙄

I'm Edmonton/Calgary area. The economic parasites the NGOs ship in are distributed evenly to all major city centers.

I was in Ottawa before the beer bug lockdown. Full of pajeets everywhere. In goddamn Ottawa of all places.

Brampton is 70% Indian/Paki, Richmond is 70% Chinese. This is what we're told is "diversity".

I bet they can cook exotic cuisine, that's all matters in the end.

Glad to see Richmond get represented❤️

Another ice burger spotted. Hop the border and fullfil your Amerifat destiny.

Lol like amerimutts are faring any better.

you pay taxes for the government to kick out legal residents and pay for immigrants to live in their apartments.

Arab Sil from the Sopranos is cold blooded

Tie me to a rocket and fire it at Toronto

same but with actual warheads on it. I know it's going for Toronto, aka Melbourne/Portland and want to coom on the ride down in righteousness.

Can you ensure it’s aimed directly at the trinity bellwoods area?

Yee haw! 🤠

Some of you French Canadians are alright...


Why does Silvio from the sopranos hate the fair nation of canada

Day of the rake when?


Leafs already rake themselves waiting to see a doctor lol

Ok something about that guy’s demeanor and the wording of the subtitles suggests that this is Ben Shapiro in disguise.

Posadism with Canadian characteristics when