
1  2020-05-31 by CultistHeadpiece


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Fuck whitey. Fuck all you mayo assholes. Yes I am technically white but I have been an advocate for the blacks. I am basically a super ally. I can hang with blacks and Mexicans. I post so much on social media about the injustice against my black brothers. I bet if I wanted I could be in a blacked porno because I am so woke.

My fellow whites, this is the kind of mindset we all should strive for.

Username checks the fuck out

Based name

based on what retard

It's actually pretty funny how I've unironically seen Reddit's hivemind cycle through all of these talking points in the last 24 hours.


It really pisses me the fuck off that EVERYONE I know keeps hyping Black people hype

"This has gone on long enough Black people need to fight back!"

"This is is protest!"

"You all need to send messages"

And what do we see? Beatings, murder, robbery, this isn't fucking protest or rioting this is fucking chaos and they're using Black people as pawns to do all this bullshit. My husband told me "It's okay for you guys to do this, the police have done this for far too long."

None of these liberal shitbags get how bad they're making things for normal black people.

No one cares about my long term personal safety of me and my family or the Black populations well being.

People keep telling me that this will improve situations

But I'm a coon and anti-black because I want my community to realize this isn't the answer and liberal assholes keep egging them on do this shit. When I point out that all these black cities of extreme poverty and violence are all democratically run I'm an even bigger asshole.

I need to leave the US, but where? After this Black American's are going to shunned even worse.

God fuck why can't I just exist as a normal person just once in my fucking existence


From saying riot is the language of the unheard to the rioters are nazis !!!

Look at those white supremacist go!

Disgusting, I wish that guy had a gun

So does he

I want niggers and white nigger lovers to go home because they are annoying

nobody should be complaining about this. If you are a leftoid: its good, wealth being redistributed, police & government being punished. If you're a rightoid: its good, normies waking up, national guard/crackdown incoming.

take the radical centrist acceleration pill

There will be a crackdown alright, but who's in power here? Minnesota's attourney general is Keith Ellison, African muslim and Antifa enthusiast. https://i.imgur.com/gcXeMME.png

This shit has all been in planning for decades, the tinderbox is in place. They're lighting matches now.

Q predicted this

It's literally not going to work that way. It's going to end up with all of us having less freedoms as the US extends it's surveillance programs. Not that congress wasn't going to do it anyway.

Muh surveillance

Unless you're a terrorist or otherwise are trying to hide some major crime, literally nothing bad will happen to you grkm surveillance.

Literally everything is a crime. They just wait until the are sure they don't like you to try you for one. Even if they can't find one they will harrass you with an investigation or cps if you have a kid. Good luck with having nothing illegal or frowned upon(In CPS cases). They can get you for hate speech or the structure of your home. Hate speech can literally mean anything.

Just don't commit crimes. It's not that hard, fucking nigger.

If you're anti riot, this will stop riots. If you're pro riot then it's something to riot about

If you are anti-riot you should put it down with guns. If you are pro-riot you should be out there with guns and bombs. Fucking hell. Fight or don't cucks.

If you're a conservative you care that people are dying and having their lives ruined. Murder and destruction isn't "good" just because it gets people to notice all the murder and destruction, you halfwit.


Lmao, you were really stupid enough to say that.

seething boomer mdefugee you gonna tell me the liberals are the real racists next?

No I'm going to laugh at you for being illiterate, lmao.

Please keep going, I love what a fucking stone cold retard you are.

PS: racism is correct.

reading is for losers, put down the book and get some pussy and maybe you'll stop crying about buildings


a black man lifted weights today, have you?

Is that why blackenoids are all morbidly obese?

If you're a conservative you care that people are dying and having their lives ruined.

Jesus conservatives are a joke.

Sorry you're a childish wannabe sociopath or whatever.

I'm sure the other redditors think you are really cool.

Sorry you're a childish wannabe sociopath or whatever.

I'm not childish.

I'm sure the other redditors think you are really cool.

I don't like them, but I don't blame them ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿฟ

Lmao ok kiddo. Go have a nappy and a bottle.

I think I might. You jelly?

"I-I-I'm not c-childish! Y-y-you are!!1"

I didn't call anyone childish though.

no cop is gonna change after you burn their workplace and call them racist pigs

Burning the photos of their kids, the place they shared memories with their friends, and the cells where they turned off the cameras and beat the hell out of minorities.

You brought a tear to my eye

Who had just committed horrible crimes, but hey, that's their right as The Oppressed, even though none of them are in any way oppressed.

They're so oppressed that nobody's really done anything about their behavior.

You turned a decent joke into a lame-ass rightoid crypost. Good job Bobby, remember the left cant meme

Lmao, sorry I ruined your attempt to cry for joggers

It was such a good joke about how poor baby blackenoids get treated bad

Your assravage is totally not just agendapisting because you are a faggy leftroon, lmao

Cope Chapo scum

Ehh the real problem is most cunts can't meme. Fuck em

true, but saying it like that doesn't make rightoids mad (x24), and where's the fun in that?

I'm definitely communist. I dug up stalin and sucked his bone.

the cells where they turned off the cameras and beat the hell out of minorities.

They took this from you.

To be fair, they would beat up anybody in their cells. They just happen to be mostly minorities

Donโ€™t want them to change just want them to get a real job lol

The barrier to entry for self defence in Baltimore is incredibly high. Of course those people rely on the police more. You'd be an idiot to live there though. Rely on yourself for defence.

Your are pretty naive if you think the people getting murdered in Baltimore weren't armed.

8D underwater backgammon move by whitey.


Something something Corona virus stay at home.

And Reddit removed it

ofc it got removed


Good. Now the numbers will speed up even more

look at the new daily cases. the most recent spike just broke the pattern of new cases.

I know. Almost 125k yesterday. Proud of our girl

All of them are responsible for the actions of a few because they did nothing

Those violent ones on our side? Those are just paid agitators, silly.

I'm not sure which is which, because both of those phrases can come from both sides, and that is the true beauty of the ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ‘ž -law

My butthole is black, therefore I stand in solidarity

Based and analpilled

This is why we need mayocide.


  1. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ - archive.org, archive.today

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S E N T I E N T ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฐ

I don't care bro.

Stale meme format

I agree, but in this case it works really well. Especially the last frame ๐Ÿคก


Thank you for this arr slash dank memes tier doodoo

That talking point came from like 5 cringelord skull mask guys saying they were gonna go to the riots on twitter too

Call me the clown master baby

If people stop seeing the political spectrum as this one sided shit, maybe we'd understand each other. I have leftoid and rightoid views, mostly leftoid. But this is pure fucking cringe, redditors, twatters, and facebookers are collectively a bunch of absolute imbeciles.

Social media was a mistake, it gave a space for retarded morons to collectively dominate their opinions and block others out. Social media is a cancer on societies.

i think social media is like a society of absolute democracy

Proof democracy gives retards that don't deserve it a voice.

Except for being manipulated by all powerful dickheads at the top who can never be removed.

yeah right

cool it with the antisemitic remarks


technocratic corporations censoring and controlling flow of information is peak democracy

Lots of people aren't exactly imbeciles, they just have way too much invested in belief systems that would be blown apart by admitting that black people really are just dumber and more violent than white people.

Happy to see this meme that represents something Iโ€™ve not seen literally anyone say

Look on r/politics, thereโ€™s a post with 4k upvotes

4k? There are fucking posts with 50k upvotes that say Russia and white supremacist are behind the looting

there's a post with 80k upvotes

Lmao Iโ€™ve definitely seen the Russia shit from the worst liberals Iโ€™m aware of. If thereโ€™s one thing we absolutely canโ€™t have, itโ€™s organic and justified home-grown anger. Nah itโ€™s a small Russian meme page running the entire ship into the ground again

Iโ€™m taking issue mostly with the panel about local businesses, I havenโ€™t seen anyone respectable say itโ€™s okay.

My position is if itโ€™s a MAGAtard boomer-owned jet ski dealership go ahead, otherwise leave local businesses the fuck alone. Almost all of them in most of these cities are outraged too

they should atleast stick to a story and be consistent like me

"How do we get white people to listen to us?"

"I know, we conform to racist stereotypes that white people have about us, like the fact that we steal things and are violent."

They did arrest some nationalists but to chalk it up as the whole deal would be foolish

White man bad

we whtes gone rise up and show you our whtey power 1488 we wuz future and shiet ohh no blacks are showing their power by rising up and fucking up whoever they want where is the civility where is the humanity


be jogger

loot shit

burn down buildings

the White man did this

Imagine not looting

r/teenagers is full of 1 and 3 if you see any posts about the riots and check the comments.
