Fags trying to escape the hell fire

60  2020-05-31 by Exlight_03


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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This is why we need islam.

Based Kung Flu canceling alphabet soup parades worldwide

Dont worry, Geico will save the homos by making the lizard rainbow colors for a few weeks.

We should bring back those sodomy laws just because fags are cringe.

you literally just said that Deuxrama is cringe, take that back right now!! It's the best sub.

We are the best subreddit rivaled by r/bruhfunny, but I got banned from there.

No, they are disrespecting George Floyd, and they are racist as fuck.

You wouldn’t know since you’re not an iFunnier 😤

Aren't we all?

Only the MDEfugees, I only like grilling, and I'm not like those wingcucks.

Imagine not being a radical centrist. It must really suck being so weak willed and weak minded.

Indeed. The jogger is wrong for being a jogger and provoking the police, and the cop is wrong for being into WMAF with a loser Hmong woman! Both are retards.

I mean Satan is a good DeuxCHAD, we all should praise him, so he invites us to his grill party and ignore God who is an SRDine 🤢 btw.


Satan burns them in the lakes of hell for all of eternity he sure loves them
