The Neo-Nazis have presentable TV worthy scrotes like Richard Spencer, I am yet to ever see an Antifa that looks or smells like they know how to do taxes.
this is politics 101 and kind of genius people don't care about facts only how it makes them feel, and they will vote based on how they feel 100% of the time.
What better way to make someone feel good then tell them they're good and righteous and the other side is evil?
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-31
Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.
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3 Angela-wangels 2020-05-31
. .. ..
2 Abnobaa 2020-05-31
I hate antifaggots just as much as you do, but this is a boring agendapost. Downvoted and reported.
4 slapdaddybaddy 2020-05-31
"I hate antifa, but not as much as I hate people making fun of antifa, but trust me, I hate antifa."
Ok terrorist.
1 Abnobaa 2020-05-31
I voted for Viktor Orbán, do I look like a fucking Antifa member to you?
1 JanitorBully 2020-05-31
Be silent, Terrorist
1 lasermancer 2020-05-31
Yeah, seems like antifa to me.
1 Abnobaa 2020-05-31
Can't argue with that
2 Rosey9898 2020-05-31
Antifaggot is a codeword for antideux
1 hashtagrealaccount 2020-05-31
I'm downvoting and reporting you for your blatant agenda post. Be better next time.
1 ahmauddidnothignwron 2020-05-31
waa waa waa why do they call out this unfunny rightoid shit stop hurting my feelings waa waa
2 silverpanther17 2020-05-31
Daily reminder that these top minds are too clever for us to ever understand.
2 MrKearns 2020-05-31
too many words lmao
if you want to make fun of antifa just post a picture of one of its members
1 cipherdelic 2020-05-31
The Neo-Nazis have presentable TV worthy scrotes like Richard Spencer, I am yet to ever see an Antifa that looks or smells like they know how to do taxes.
1 Ordinary_Jew 2020-05-31
What are you talking about? Do you not know about antifa professor longneck? The man is a legend among his peers and giraffe alike.
1 nameunknown12 2020-05-31
Don't forgot the classic antifa super hero, bike lock man.
1 ScottishHistoryNerd 2020-05-31
1 ArtSchoolTrashy 2020-05-31
1 ConfrontationalKosm 2020-05-31
1 Cheap-Power 2020-05-31
Yeah I see atleast 2 sentences that could've been clipped
1 DatsRandom 2020-05-31
Good words words words but a good words words words is not good enough
1 Godhand0 2020-05-31
this is politics 101 and kind of genius people don't care about facts only how it makes them feel, and they will vote based on how they feel 100% of the time.
What better way to make someone feel good then tell them they're good and righteous and the other side is evil?
1 Das_rite_ 2020-05-31
Just tell them that China is a communist country and North Korea is democratic and watch them seethe
1 MarkMcFagofSugargay 2020-05-31
Look at the big brain on soy
1 TopPriority5 2020-05-31
Anti Evil Operations
1 janniedestroyer2000 2020-05-31
It's easier to post child porn on this site than It is to question the holocaust. Really shows what reddit thinks is "evil"
1 TopPriority5 2020-05-31
How dare you question the 253 million?!
1 throwawaywtf37777 2020-05-31
666 billion*
1 _reason_biden_lost_ 2020-05-31
We are still talking about cookies right?
1 Ordinary_Jew 2020-05-31
Imagine a historical event being so true that it's illegal to question.
1 Harshsass 2020-05-31
Based and antifapilled
1 Angela-wangels 2020-05-31
Your trash post got removed.
1 JanitorBully 2020-05-31
Lol no and shut up, Terrorist
1 Angela-wangels 2020-05-31
Yeah. it got removed. don' t post dum b shit.
1 JanitorBully 2020-05-31
1 Angela-wangels 2020-05-31
you got banned too? hahaha
1 JoggingWithHammers 2020-05-31