Christcucks BTFO!!!

5  2020-06-01 by make_reddit_great


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  1. Christcucks BTFO!!! -,

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Also Jesus was a sand jogger.

The Bible said his face was beautiful and gleaming though.

Now that’s epic.

This was an anti-Semitic attack

Joggers hate the Semite too tbh

Has anyone read the autopsy? Lol, jogger wasn't even murdered :''')

And as we all know, police autopsies are famously impartial. Epstein committed suicide right?

I never followed the herd on the Epstein shit. Supposedly they had to kill Epstein because these high up shadow rulers of the world didn't want it getting out that he ran a pedo island for them, yet these sinister global puppeteers can't even bribe a judge to get him off...

It's cognitive dissonance at its worst. The herd bleats and the rest follow.

What a coincidence that all the cameras in his cell were off and also the guards specifically on duty to monitor him and prevent his suicide were sleeping for around an hour.

Yeah, this is kind of what I'm going on about. They had enough power to shut off every camera in cell and supposedly pay of/coerce every guard monitoring him, no doubt some higher up officials too, get a hitman to go into his cell and murder him, and pay off/ coerce the guys performing the autopsy... But they couldn't pay off/ coerce a single judge. It's completely and utterly illogical.

People want it to be real so they make massive concessions, and then it gains traction and everyone just bleats with the rest.

The problem isn’t paying off a judge retard. The problem is paying off literally everyone involved with the prosecution so nothing gets brought up.

These people could buy off everyone in the damn jail if they wanted to, the money is not the problem. The problem is media attention, and dead people don’t get any after a few weeks.

Oh yeah, they got no media attention for this. Everyone knows that deaths don't lead to media attention. Great idea guys, lets shut off all the cameras in his cell, bribe/ coerce numerous prison staff, send in a hitman and fake an autopsy! I'm sure it'll be fine!

Hmmm, yes, we control the world from the shadows, and can do all this! Ooh, nahh, can't coerce/ bribe the prosecutor though.

You're a straight up spastic who can't think beyond what the collective tells you too. Pathetic.

lets shut off all the cameras in his cell

The cameras were off on his cell by the cop’s own admission.

bribe/ coerce numerous prison staff

Wow I guess the guards must have just all taken naps at the same time, he was on 24/7 suicide watch monitoring with 2 guards and somehow they didn’t notice it.

send in a hitman

Famously difficult for multi billionaires to do.

and fake an autopsy!

The autopsy results conflicted.

I'm sure it'll be fine!

How many people are talking about Epstein now vs. if he was in an ongoing trial producing headlines every other week?

You don't get what I'm saying.

I'm saying the theory that you guys purport of these immensely powerful puppeteers concocting this long line of sophisticated crime where numerous high up people would have had to be paid off or coerced in order to kill their friend is irrational.

Why not just use their power to talk to a couple of people on the judicial side?


He was in his father’s house doing his bidding 👏👏👏 WE NEED JESES RIGHT NOW

Shiet man, last time I checked Jesus wasn't looting the temple and then setting it on fire

Walker cope

In this house we worship Yakub you cr*ker

We wuz Jesus 'n' shieet