Reddit in a nutshell

2  2020-06-01 by shit_post_city


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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these riots are making so many normies racist lmao

biggest win for the right in decades and they didnt even have to do anything, imagine trying to argue for gun control now

It really is quite white pilling. I'm glad they're still going on too and that there are so many videos.

its insanely cathartic to sit back and watch them destroy themselves, desperately pleading for the guys they hate to intervene and be a scapegoat for them

Yep, and now people are getting shot by police. Someone died last night. You love to see it.


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If you lose, you win. Fucked based 5D chess. And daresay Redpilled?

Retard, if someone was gone become Right-wing in the past 5 years, he already did. The pipeline is cut, If you don't get it at this point, you will never get it.

Only the Overton window is moving to the left at what is allowed by noggers and other undesirables to do at "protests", nothing else. I promise you.

Retard, if someone was gone become Right-wing in the past 5 years, he already did.

not even right wing, just anti whatever this shit is

and supporting anyone whos going to stop it

incidentally how well do u know history from about a century ago

Do I know history? Bitch, I'm the CEO of history, that's why I'm right-wing. Hit me up.

Leftists only know WW2, American civil war, soy chips and lie.

Wtf u smoking dude, /pol/ is literally the national guard theyre shooting the looters now.

Lmao you retard.

i hear black people and antifa literally burning down cities makes people take their side irl

"more of this pls", theyll say

oh no, not the a word

lol you cant sow doubt about whether a group exists when theyre on video setting buildings on fire and threatening people

"omg theyre not a real group!" and "antifa dont exist!" are both arguments ive seen multiple times since these faggots realised theyre going to guantanamo lol

not sure you realse how much free publicity this is

imagine being terrified of disorganized twiggy anarchists

you dont have to be afraid of someone for them to surreptitiously burn your house down

these guys are all nerds but that doesnt mean we just let them go around hitting old people and burning shit

thankfully trump took action and declared them terrorists, now they dont have rights so you can do what you like to them

goddamn you're retarded

you keep saying that but it seems more an emotional response if anything

just say what you disagree with and ill try to explain it

do you like antifa? seems pretty gay

I don't like twiggy anarchists. I don't make boogie men out of them either.

And no, I'm calling you retarded because you're being retarded.

in your opinion whos doing the burning and looting, joggers or lefties


lol havent heard that one, nice

God airplane is so good. I watched it twice in a row last year

This is probably the kind of reasoning Id use at a job interview if they pulled up my twitter account and asked what I meant when I tweeted 'Die in hell you spook bitch'.

it was a racist government female attack dog

"By spook I meant ghost. I was watching Zak Bagans at the time."


It's like when I say "I hate Jews" I'm actually only talking about Benjamin Netanyahu and Jerry Seinfeld.

When I say "I hate capitalists", I'm actually saying "The Jewish bankers that hold a disproportionate amount of capital and power should be gassed" because DeuxChads know what I mean using context clues.

DeuxRautists at it again.

If you look at the video this is from, hcaephcaep is right.

when david duke said i hate blacks he meant i hate people who are racist against blacks but shortened it to i hate blacks because people he was speaking to knew what he meant using context clues.

When I say “I hate jews” I meant the jews that are a part of an international conspiracy to concentrate wealth and exterminate whites but I shortened it to “I hate jews” because people I’m speaking to knew what I meant using context clues

When I say "I hate jews" I mean I hate every last one of them

What about their milkers thought?

Oh well you've caught me. I'm secretly in love and display an exaggerated denial.

Example: (((9/11)))


This but unironically

fuck you antisemite

Fuck off, goycel. Stop getting offended on my behalf.

I love your people for making all these stupid white boys so jealous.

New here?

doesn't even recognize QuadNarca

I'm not the newfag, you're the newfag!


Ah fuck i took the bait didn’t I

I generally don’t pay attention to usernames at all so I don’t notice when the same people come back

It's alright, we are humans and every human makes mistakes. 🤗❤️

Yes, and?

you're a horrible person

Israel's days are numbered, when mommy US stops providing gibs for them.

Lol when? 🤣🤣🤣

When the joggers take over. You ever see a jogger give someone money?


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That's a huge cope. Israel didn't really start getting American help until they started winning the Yom Kippur War, their third major war, and today American aid is a tiny fraction of Israel's GDP. It sure is nice but it isn't decisive in any way.

Yeah a bunch of holocaust survivors were piloting fighter jets with no outside training.

Are you aware Israel had a ton of Jewish WW2 veterans and that in general Holocaust survivors were a tiny fraction of the population? Plus I don't think there were many fighter jets involved in the 1948 war anyways. Later equipment and relevant training would've been bought from France mostly.

Don’t you have some circumcised baby dicks to suck?

Coming from QuadTardica that's a compliment

MFW the zoomers on this sub keep falling for QuadNarca's bait

Maybe if he put a modicum of effort into trolling we might start to give a damn.


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Why would I put any effort into it, if y'all seethe even with no effort.


And by “cope” I mean you’re right and I don’t have a counter-argument.

At least you admit it, unlike the others so I love you ❤️


i've never once seen RecallRethuglicans do this.

you are second rate

oh no how will I ever recover from that? Downvoted btw

Downvoted btw



Maybe if you guys quit downvoting and responding to his bait, he'd come up with better material.

If you think a comedian needs to get better material, do you fake laugh and applaud and hope for the best, or do you heckle them incessantly and scream about how you fucked their mother and bully them to the verge of tears?

Anyway, that’s why I’m not allowed back at the local comedy club.

If you think a comedian needs to get better material, do you fake laugh and applaud and hope for the best, or do you heckle them incessantly and scream about how you fucked their mother and bully them to the verge of tears?

I usually just say "cope"

Wherever I go I must take bait

You shouldn't limit yourself to just those ones. We all would do the same thing if given the opportunity.

context but only for blacks.

I think by "lets rape that honky bitch" what Tyrone is trying to say in AAVE is lets address the role white women play in racist microagressions

Lots of explaining away these past few days

He was saying get the white people together for a lynching. A lot of people saw a lot of black guys rioting and rushed to conclusions, but they were actually white supremacists. We got a BIG Clayton Bigsby situation going on here.

Source: CNN


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Honestly I previously assumed this level of hamsterwheeling was reserved for rightoids.

That's because of your mongoloid ancestry. You have my sympathies.

Have you been asleep for the past several years? Leftoids unironically think women can be men.

I mean, he’s not wrong. Peaceful protests were hijacked by ANTIFA.

Cope, we were overdue on race riots by 2 years everyone knew this was gonna be a big one

So they forced the niggers to chimp out?

braindead neocon moment :retardemoji:


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When Hitler said "gas the jews" he really meant to turn up the gas heating and give the jews some blankets and hot cocoa. He just shortened it because it was clear to everyone in that context 🤗🤗🤗🤗

If any of you retards watched the video you'd see exactly that happen. Half the people in the video are white. This is a prime example of cherry picking so you can all circle jerk to it and pretend you're above society.

run dem pockets whyte boi. hurry tf up

sorry, but we literally are above society and everyone in it


yes and definitely above reddit

Well you are ON Reddit

Seethe. Cope. Dilate.

Piss. Cum. Shit.

Shit and cum?!? Where??
