some religions are more equal than others oy vey

10  2020-06-01 by coronacel


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There was no significant damage to the church acording to Wikipedia, thank God

Breaking 911 is my new favorite twitter account

This is when I start getting mad. The same churches that were supporting the civil rights movement and got slavery banned in the western world (whilst it was still heavily practiced amongst those of ‘other’ Abrahamic religions cough cough) are getting destroyed. I mean weren’t slaves owners disproportionately Jewish?

I hope they don’t start doing this in France..

Christshitters in shambles lmao

the way she wrote it makes it sound like he was ollieing through the windows

Tony Hawk's Pro-tester

Yep. This one's going in my cringe compilation.


  1. some religions are more equal than ... -,

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Based and vargpilled

yeah. some are. cry more :)

Dear rightoids : i hate white people

Christianity and Islam are just shitty fanfics based on Judaism, if you actually read the books you'd know most of the stories are just plagarized from the Torah.

Unironic idiot. Everyone fucking knows this. The holy texts and the religions themselves are based on the concept they are worshipping the Jewish God and the figures from Adam to Abraham all the way to King David are all predecessors to their own religion as well as Jews. You'd have to be some dumb fucking atheist white person to be so detached as to think it's obscure trivia.

Islam says Jews fucked it up.

So do Christians as well as any religion that's an offshoot to another. The very premise of both faiths is that the predecessor was correct up to a certain date, when things diverged and they were wrong. Shut up.

Idk man Christians seem to really believe Jews are God's chosen people and all.

Yeah a lot of American Christianity especially is subverted. If you actually read the Bible it’s pretty clear what’s actually going on. The Old Testament is about the Jews fucking up over and over again, and the New Testament makes everyone who accepts Christ the new chosen people.

The very basic tenet of Christianity is that all the Jews should have accepted Jesus rather than only some of them. They should have entered a new Covenant much in the way that Muslims claim the Jews should have accepted Muhammad as the new Prophet that brought a new better testimony. If both religions claimed Jews are totally correct, why would anyone be Muslim or Christian which must be less correct? Some pastors today saying differently about the Supersessionism doesn't change the vast consensus of 2000 years of theology.

Maybe if you come up with a new religion maybe make up your new gods? Shame they didn't have copyright protections in the past.

Further than that Judaism is almost a carbon copy of Zoroastrianism so the hooks can't even claim to be original.

Yeah every religion is trying to be original, dummy. The biggest claim to fame that jews always pride themselves is the originality of their religious doctrine- no, the text isnt claiming that a creator made all of existence, the book is just saying wouldnt that be cool and everyone should purchase it for its entertaining plot twists. They are trying to bring a fresh new show on air that will run for six seasons because people dont want more of the same. It's too bad the writers for Zoroastrianism got robbed that way. I'm sure everything in their writers room was conceived right then and there.

That's a gay thing you just wrote tbh

Post nose

But it's too big and I'm self-concious 😰

Post smegma

I can't rabi stole it


Christcucks BTFO

They hated him because he spoke the truth.