The Terminator has spoken.

12  2020-06-01 by CasanovaNova


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i aint watchin dis shit who is he virtue signalling too nigga

imagine having your feelings so hurt by someone taking a stand against the nazis that you can literally not even watch it

kill yourself (in minecraft ofc haha)

I mean...out of everything going on right now, are nazis really top of the list of folks causing problems? 2nd on the list? 3rd? 4th?

oh sorry i forgot we should only focus on the absolute biggest problem in the world at any given time.

so im assuming youre gonna give 90% of your income to charities fighting for human rights in the middle east and africa and ignore any other more local, smaller problems, right?

I hope you eventually get the help that you need, friend.

He needs a fucking job.


excellent comeback

no really u definitely got me with that one

OK but fr u got him with this one im not gonna lie šŸ’€


Good. Now do ANTIFA.

excuse me? first of all, how dare you nazi.

the white Supreimists are on our streets burning down MCDOUGHNALDS and you want to bring our heroes into the crossfire?!

lol virgin

Better yet: white people and their nonsense.

Dat target do be lookin juicy tho. A nigga be needin dat 4k tv knowotahmsayin?

Educate yourself on racism first. Be an ally and help him break into Target.

Not for anything but why let trickle down economics make you live paycheck to paycheck for the same standard of living as old money?

Go and upgrade for free and now you can suddenly do a lot more. Maybe watch some mind changing documentaries, play games with your kids...

But itā€™s better than accepting that cops are bullied high schoolers who couldnā€™t get a scholarship or graduate properly so they went into Law Enforcement for revenge.



fake conservative loser past his prime seethes

Rightoid manlets seeting at the ultimate gigachad that is Arnold lmao



nice meme


arnold is a bitch who got manhandled by his dad and spent the rest of his life working out to cover his insecurities aswell as to tell other men to be more like women to get back at his dad, seethe more about it


not my words, his words

Imagine thinking someone is a bitch for overcoming the trauma of his youth and moving to America and becoming one of the most famous people in the entire world, earning loads of money and fucking endless bitches.

thats not what i called him a bitch for :) underneath all of that is a sad little man still bothered by his long dead dad

So every person on earth is a bitch? No one is perfect and most people have some baggage. Him achieving such greatness despite that in his background just makes him an even more impressive man.

He only has a career because he let a Jewish millionaire fuck him in the ass.

lmao at the absolute cope by all these flairless MDEfugees


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Angry Redditor seethes at the Terminator.


terminate your communications with me cause thats fucking cancer


edit: fuck you leftshit janny

How much do you want to pay me to fuck, big boy?

ill pay in the shit you have to clean up

I donā€™t mind. Iā€™m going to be President one day and we will laugh about my days doing my civic duty for free.

i expect you to purge all blacks that day and create a white thno-state mr future president

I canā€™t do that when white women want girth and a man whoā€™s brave enough to fuck shit up even if it isnā€™t logical.

Like, no SIMPā€™ing in my subreddit.

dont fall for the jewish lie, whites statistically have the largest penises on average


im not american stupid janny šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

yeah but ur dick is small

its pretty big

maybe by white standards

whites are the biggest on average so yes

the average penis size in africa is 2.8 inches


nothing to cope about

dm me a pic of your penis or its small

its already posted elsewhere heres a link


Based, I love you Casanova šŸ‘‘

I am only here until Tuesday.

Guess what bro, you're the mod of reddit's newest neonazi hive

I give this place a week

Dumbass jannie simps for Terminator on deuu rama

I actually enjoyed a J&R cigar last night and my wife couldnā€™t say shit because Iā€™m a man of culture and I pay attention to past Chads to one day reach nirvana and evolve to my truest form.

^ ^ ^ Imagine being this retarded

Your username made me kek so hard.




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What does the poster even mean by this, the cop wasnā€™t a neonazi, none of this is relevant to the George floyd incident.

White man bad thats what


Das rite cry whiteboi

Ffffffuck that was smooth.

I canā€™t wait to own a home, pressure washer, thorium based nuclear reactor, and desalination equipment that uses my massive aquariums in the atrium as water storage which I can scavenge off of during droughts and refill on torrential rains.

Edit: What I saw when I clicked your link

Those chinks really know how to save money

Thatā€™s why our parents sold us out for ā€œThe American Dreamā€: Made In China

Also, chinks isnā€™t cool. Iā€™m sure Mr. Carlin can identify which slur you fit so watch your projections. Iā€™m not here to censor you but I would advise a quick check of yourself before you wreck yourself.

I love how redditurds love this guy so much when in reality heā€™s a gigachad who would fuck their girlfriends if they had any and who would bully them in high school

Exactly this.

Only Chads appreciate Arnoldā€™s fucking swag. His Miami Beach workout days made me decide fuck it all, hit the iron. SIMPs fear him because he doesnā€™t have any excuses he only smacks asses and takes numbers.

He got his early career in the US sponsored by being gay-for-pay for a wealthy Jew then abused steroids to avoid having to put effort into being a body builder.

Someone doesnā€™t understand how steroids canā€™t change personal motivation.

Heā€™s a Chad and you have no muscle mass.

redditor (kissless, hand-holdless omega virgin): Has political convictions based on what you read and were taught in public school

chad: Does not comprehend political thought, simply rises to the top of the social order and says what is necessary

Republican too

I canā€™t help but feel like people like that have had abusive childhoods. Itā€™s the social equivalent of smearing faeces on the walls. Intentionally doing things that are weird and unpleasant for everyone involved just to provoke (justified) negative attention.


  1. The Terminator has spoken. -,

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I know Snappy, Naziā€™s are scum.

It's not a toomah!

Words words words

BOYS BOYS BOYS 90s hits intensifies

Who the fuck made this street shitting nigger a mod?

infinitely sends sides into space

When are you gonna show us your wife's milkers?

T-800 Says Looter Rights

What an insufferable faggot.

What the literal fuck is he talking about.

literally every non-autistic person agrees with his general sentiment. why even bother sitting down and recording this lol

Autism is rife. Look around here.

It's because he's secretly based and doesn't want anybody to find out

Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Hitler is the CEO of racism and if we kill his few rural retard followers that are left, we kill racism. Capeshit brain lib cope.

go back to pol


ahmaud armery? morel like armed robbery

funny and original.

p.s. the name is ironic you numbnut

Weren't his parents members of the Nazi party?

Also what's wrong with Neo-confederacy ?

Also what's wrong with Neo-confederacy ?

Hillbillies are fucking faggots and they lost the war. What else do you need?

Also what's wrong with Neo-confederacy ?

the fact that it exists

Thanks for answering the question

His dad just delivered rations and ammunition to FLAK guns, thatā€™s not the same thing as being a Nazi!

He also killed a bunch of Jews and soviets and Americans and forced a woman to choose between her children and shot a guy for making hinges too slowly, but that was peer pressure! Donā€™t be so judgmental!

arnie used to be cool when he just used to smoke weed and work out and said flexing was like cumming

now hes just a wrinkly old faggot that had sex with a goblin

Arnold, an apex pussy slayer, has evolved past caring about looks. He now sticks his dick inside every vagina in a 10 mile radius.

He also makes a million dollars every time a rightoid seethes about his Facebook videos.

the maid he had an affair with literally looks like gollums grandma

Those veins are going to explode when Daddy is reelected.

I suggested something naughty there and got banned.

If you didnt get bored halfway through that video you're gay

Max hetero because I didn't watch a second

Lol didnt hear a word he was saying. Too busy thinking about predator.


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Pussy conservatives again with WORDS WORDS WORDS

Honestly, Id prefer Syrian immigrants over mutts rn, mutts are being really cringe, you fuckers corrupted Arnold Chad into Idpol

Is this an aneurysm?


Rightoid sois seething chad Arnold is telling them to stfu

wait...why is he talking about nazis suddenly?


  1. We can't blame blacks because black = good, white = evil
  2. So we blame white. Again "left" = good, "right" = bad
  3. What's left? KKK and nazis, and if they don't exist we will just create them out of thin air so we can pass them the blame.

It's basically the same reason rightoids are shitting their pants over antifa right now.

Antifa are the only white people they can blame for this that aren't themselves.

yes, communist flag is good, nazi flag bad. Not two sides.

long video posts are worse than words posts CMV

Fugees are hurting right now.

Would this senior citizen just shut the fuck up already

never heard of her
