Racist mayos cops have a surprise when they arrest a glowie kang ✊🏿

2  2020-06-01 by mister_saxobeast


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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No direction and it talks about meaningless garbage posts on reddit. This sub is like something beneath reddit, eating whatever shit falls out of its ass. Pathetic and cringe. End your existence, all of you.


  1. Racist mayos cops have a surprise w... - archive.org, archive.today

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No wonder n*ggers get shot

bro just say the word


wtf dude he was trying to say naggers whats is wrog with youy

I'm ayycist!!!! 😎😎 I hate aliens!!!!

downvoted and reproted



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brave soldier

Literal glownigger.


Pay rent

my mom says i can live in the basement for free

You can live in my attic as long as possible gem

can i call u mommy


no deal






All chapos are bitches.

yeah i agree

All criminals are black

yes and crime is cool checkmate

What a chad