Wakandan’s and soytifa’s do shit like this and then chimp out when they get called a meanie word. Whoever threw that deserves at least a couple rubber bullets IMO
I think they secretly love when people use those words because society has taught them that once somebody utters one of the dreaded no-no words at them they have carte blanche to be violent.
I don't think it ruined their day. That's kinda interesting to me. This isn't the kind of response someone genuinely offended by the word has, honestly. It's clear that had no homophobic connection, he said it like "pussy".
This is the response of people who think that's the way they ought to be offended. It's +5 woke points. If you're not emotionally incited by it, that'll be a -5 sir.
"Then the kangs immediately turned on the faggot after he was named and stomped him into a coma and liberated his wallet because while kangs hate mayos they fucking kill bussy lovers"
Yo did he really say the “F” word!? In pride month?! What if someone took that insult seriously and immediately killed themselves? Woah someone cancel him, or something 🤯😡
If you listen carefully he said "that's right bitch, wait 'till I turn my back you fucking faggot." Because they waited for him to turn his back before they threw stuff at him. So calling them out for being pussies lol.
I noticed you dropped 4 f-bombs in this comment. This might be necessary, but using nicer language makes the whole world a better place.
Maybe you need to blow off some steam - in which case, go get a drink of water and come back later. This is just the internet and sometimes it can be helpful to cool down for a second.
1 AutoModerator 2020-06-01
Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.
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17 Redactor0 2020-06-01
I actually remember a time when assault was considered a worse crime than using profanity.
17 most_slotted_floppy 2020-06-01
Oh so throwing shit at people is okay, but calling them a faggot is too far.
Promote to anti-jogger brigade.
2 DoodleIsMyBaby 2020-06-01
Its 2020, bro. Hurting fee fees is crime numero uno now. Haven't you heard?
9 LynchVictim 2020-06-01
How do people think thats not an acceptable reaction to getting shit thrown at you from behind?
12 silentosts 2020-06-01
Wakandan’s and soytifa’s do shit like this and then chimp out when they get called a meanie word. Whoever threw that deserves at least a couple rubber bullets IMO
10 Qwikskoupa69 2020-06-01
11 silentosts 2020-06-01
In Minecraft of course :v)
5 Qwikskoupa69 2020-06-01
It worked for chapos
2 goblincocksmoker 2020-06-01
ah yes flan’s guns mod! of course
2 DoodleIsMyBaby 2020-06-01
I think they secretly love when people use those words because society has taught them that once somebody utters one of the dreaded no-no words at them they have carte blanche to be violent.
6 Same-Kick 2020-06-01
Less frontal lobe development
9 Rujevit 2020-06-01
The literal manifestation of the spirit of based incarnated and concentrated into human form. This video is a holy relic.
8 albietanders 2020-06-01
lmao the chimp out afterward
32 R0saParkinsons 2020-06-01
Imigine giving people the power to ruin your entire day by uttering a single word.
20 TTVBlueGlass 2020-06-01
I don't think it ruined their day. That's kinda interesting to me. This isn't the kind of response someone genuinely offended by the word has, honestly. It's clear that had no homophobic connection, he said it like "pussy".
This is the response of people who think that's the way they ought to be offended. It's +5 woke points. If you're not emotionally incited by it, that'll be a -5 sir.
8 Estoque 2020-06-01
"jogger"/"faggot" are basically magical mind-control spells to these people
2 alexicov 2020-06-01
It's too easy
1 thealt1776 2020-06-01
Wizard powers are REAL
15 AffIicted 2020-06-01
(says a word)
They’re reactionary morons. If you step out their little social line, you’re in trouble.
4 Clerod 2020-06-01
"reactionary" doesn't mean someone that reacts to things lol
1 [deleted] 2020-06-01
2 King-of-Blacks 2020-06-01
7 Krillbill01 2020-06-01
This has been good for drama coin
7 1LBFROZENGAHA 2020-06-01
justified reaction and response. then they all gasp and piss their pants like a fucking soccer mom who gets mad at “cunt”
7 goblincocksmoker 2020-06-01
6 lktyu 2020-06-01
Okay this is the only based cop in these riots
4 dwqy 2020-06-01
he's had enough
5 Nurderingmigger 2020-06-01
"Then the kangs immediately turned on the faggot after he was named and stomped him into a coma and liberated his wallet because while kangs hate mayos they fucking kill bussy lovers"
5 throwawaychungus26 2020-06-01
“And the police began to clap and joined in”
2 PeachyKeen9325 2020-06-01
If the police and black people just bonded over killing fags, systemic racism would've ended years ago
5 big_papa_stiffy 2020-06-01
looool that fucking clapping
4 CreepyPsycho 2020-06-01
His whole world collapsed just because the cop called him a faggot.
And those people think they're going to be making any difference for the better...
2 Keisuke_Takahiro 2020-06-01
He's probably offender because the cop secretly hit the nail on the head ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
3 myNAMEjef420 2020-06-01
H-hey there pal. I only threw a sign at you :(. You didn't need to go that far.
3 80BAIT08 2020-06-01
This is unironically a good cop. Called him a lil bitch instead of resorting to violence. They had no idea what to do with themselves.
3 GR122LYB3AR 2020-06-01
3 FinitePerception 2020-06-01
He just said the rap word why are they upset
2 throwawaychungus26 2020-06-01
These guys get paid to do this stuff while the average deuxchad does it for free
1 Arnoux 2020-06-01
Yep bit above minimal wage, while we are getting higher than national avg here.
2 bigcum200 2020-06-01
Words words words
2 SunnySmurf 2020-06-01
Cop turns away from them, they throw sign/cone, cop gets pissed calls them faggots, then this is their face.
2 DatsRandom 2020-06-01
Yo did he really say the “F” word!? In pride month?! What if someone took that insult seriously and immediately killed themselves? Woah someone cancel him, or something 🤯😡
1 SnapshillBot 2020-06-01
Anyone who refers to moderators as "Janitors" is involved in a propaganda and harassment campaign.
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2 Yeetinator4000Savage 2020-06-01
What about jannies?
1 CultistHeadpiece 2020-06-01
What did he said??
5 thegreatestpug 2020-06-01
"Wait till I turn my back, you fucking faggot."
12 MemriTVMemes 2020-06-01
Wow and he said that now that it’s PRIDE month smh I fucking hate pigs.
7 WhyAmILikeThis24 2020-06-01
If you listen carefully he said "that's right bitch, wait 'till I turn my back you fucking faggot." Because they waited for him to turn his back before they threw stuff at him. So calling them out for being pussies lol.
5 ExtremelyOnlineG 2020-06-01
It's important that people hear the full quote
1 [deleted] 2020-06-01
1 _NoHype 2020-06-01
1 VredditDownloader 2020-06-01
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1 Minecraft_Tryhard 2020-06-01
They literally threw something at him what did they expect?
1 contentedserf 2020-06-01
Gotta love the black guys clapping
1 Giulio-Cesare 2020-06-01
why they freak out over word
1 navierstokes69 2020-06-01
I'm glad that they had such a positive reaction to it. They clap for the based army man!
1 toomanytabsopen 2020-06-01
Based and straightpilled
1 PunishedApple 2020-06-01
Just in time for pride month too.
1 MarkMcFagofSugargay 2020-06-01
2020- Faggot returning to acceptable usage
1 peepeepoopoolmao 2020-06-01
1 Arnoux 2020-06-01
Why is he just walking away? I'd expect some beating there.
1 windowsxp125 2020-06-01
tf did they expect him to do? Nothing?
1 [deleted] 2020-06-01
1 AutoModerator 2020-06-01
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1 helegad 2020-06-01
whad da fuck man whad da fuck whad da fuck whadda fuck
1 CoolDownBot 2020-06-01
I noticed you dropped 4 f-bombs in this comment. This might be necessary, but using nicer language makes the whole world a better place.
Maybe you need to blow off some steam - in which case, go get a drink of water and come back later. This is just the internet and sometimes it can be helpful to cool down for a second.
I am a bot. ❤❤❤ | PSA
1 helegad 2020-06-01
1 blue2610 2020-06-01