Me confronting sonyggers about the dumb shit sony tweeting.

7  2020-06-01 by dmskoy88


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Sony really cucked themselves

What I love most about Xbox is how racist everyone is. If you join a party for any game everyone is ok with hating niggas and Mexicans

2007 peak halo 3 days.

Do you remember the officer's face? I don't understand how anyone could take one look at that face and not beat him up

Wrong post, autist

Got called a mcdonalds working faggot by a literal twelve year old, said I was going to get DDosed and that they knew where I lived in burgerland (imagine living in America LOL!) and that the 12 year old was going to have his opiate addicted brother drive cross country to knock my teeth out, felt like the mw2 days, the kids are gonna be alright.

Xbros win yet again 💪🔥😎🔥👍👌

And pcbros

When's pc 2 tho?

The steam consoles already out bud, its the future.

xbox is cringe now pc gaming is my friend

i hope you know who owns both xbox and pc platform hint:its the same company

Sony owns Microsoft confirmed 😮😮😮

they own windows not pc you fucking retard

they own windows which 99.9% of your games run you fucking retard you think they arent monitoring all your activity and collecting data about you?

what does data mining have to do with what is the better platform

because they are owned by the same company doing this shitty pandering?

i game on linux you fucking pleb

you are part of the 0.1% congrats you can suck yourself off now

i already do

"we support you postponing the announcement of your competing product"

Those fucking responses lmao

"That damn dirty Hexbox"

-Saint Chris


I wonder how that one black guy on /v/ feels about all this. He must be conflicted

LMAO at all the white people hating themselves in the replies

Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. Me confronting sonyggers about the ... -,

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Nigga shut up or I take your batteries out

Xbox said said some shit gayer somehow a few hours later. Retract this shit now 😤

imagine buying into the day time soap opera that is corporate PR ffs lads have some self respect

consoomers desperately pretend theyre ok with waiting to consoom because they dont want to offend the blackerinos

hope they postpone it forever

xbox master race?!

12 inches of teraflops got sonny shakin like a bitch


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Shit man I want to get an Xbox next generation but I also want to be able to play bloodborne2