Cartoon Network it is then

1  2020-06-02 by coronacel


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Wow Nickelodeon solves racism! Good job

It's always been CN I ain't letting my kids watch that queer SpongeBob.

8 minutes in the feet chamber

Wow, the Internet really does a number on some people's brains, doesn't it.

I am clearly supposed to know what the hell you're talking about, but the only information I could squeeze out of your sloganeering is that you're now more meme than man.


  1. Cartoon Network it is then -,

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isnt it odd how these rebels against the system have the full and unwavering support of the system

Wow i'm glad i decided to stop watching Nickelodeon when I was 31 before it got this bad.

Was the Karen thing always reddit tier or was it funny at some point?

It's like the npc meme. It was funny for about 2 hours then reddit found out and it became gay instantly

It was funny 3-4 years ago in r/superwackytictacs but shit was banned

Virtue Signalling

To take a conspicuous but essentially useless action ostensibly to support a good cause but actually to show off how much more moral you are than everybody else.

Cartoon Network was always better.

Get on your knees nerd and open up!
