In response to the wingcuck wave.

1  2020-06-02 by NotchDidNothingWrong


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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I’m deleting this app I genuinely can’t stand y’all. I’m not even gonna try to make a point this time I’m done.


  1. In response to the wingcuck wave. -,

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Well yeah it's a burgerpost.

straight up provides ifunny links as evidence

based timeline

Professionals have standards

That sure was a sequence of words.


Lol I’m not reading this

Ok turkroach

You could've just sais "FUCK SNOW NlGGERS" but here you are posting 15 links nobody will click on

Are we still black Mussoliniposting?

take each of these and post them to deux as an image submission


Imagine using shitty biased memes as sources

The portraits are from Faiyum Oasis Mummies. They were Roman Egyptians.


Nobody cares iFaggy




You can tell OP thinks his brain is expanding the more of these words he utters.

Based and redpilled Deuxchad makes cringe and bluepilled soy boy cuck zoomer op seethe and dilate

and I thought 1337speak wouldn't have a successor

A racist centron will be seen as a rightoid by the lefties

Any centron is seen as a rightoid by the lefties, because as it turns out, we live in a shitty fantasy land where nuance doesn't exist and you're either the good guys (obviously me) or you are a baddie (anyone who doesn't agree with me).

I mean, there are goods guys and bad guys. It’s just that that isn’t dictated by progressive leftoids

Lmao I'm so used to political compass memes that I didn't understand why the lime figure was right-wing and the blue figure was left-wing. I am now a true zoomer.

Stay flexible

Rightoids have mostly been the last one though. Showing surprising restraint actually.

most people think centrists are rightoids and rightoids are julius evola tier extreme far right


Who owned those slave ships, anyway? 🤔 🤔 🤔


Centron? A radical centrist troon? Take your meds OP

(((Whites))) imported slaves, yes.

is this Stonetoss lmao
