Someone turns cops into speedbumps, rightoid seethe incoming

1  2020-06-02 by ExtremelyOnlineG


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Maybe now the police will actually fucking do something about the joggers burning everything.

Just kidding, of course they won’t. It’s New York.

Yeah if there's one thing everyone says about the NYPD, it's that they're restrained and never step over the line.

Famous for their even-handedness, the NYPD is.

You’re right, NYPD has been trying their hardest to stop the looting. They just can’t. They’re overwhelmed by the power of a bunch of monkeys screeching and trying to figure out how to throw a molotov. They’re not treating them with kid gloves like every single other urban precinct in the country right now. De Blasio hasn’t spent years completely hamstringing NYPD’s ability to effectively do anything at all.

ok boomer

Nice comeback

its not mine

ahaha goteem

Holy shit btfo rip lol XD uWu

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. Someone turns cops into speedbumps,... -,*

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unironically this

That guys definitely getting a life sentence.

he feared for his life and mistakenly hit the accelerator cope 🤡

Not if I keep contributing to his legal fund

Why would you contribute to his and not Chauvins? He was out there doing the lords work in person, killing meth-addicted joggers with his bare hands, but this pussy had to use a car.

lol imagine thinking that cops are brave

if you so much as touch a cop you'll be beaten and thrown in jail for life. SUV-man is the real brave one.

Imagine thinking cops aren't the first line of defense, against ghettos

imagine thinking cops aren't useful as speedbumps

cops are the tool which creates the ghettos

Where else would we put the blacks?

It appears you find yourself a thinking man, so why don’t you tell me? 🧐

Release them back on to the plains of Africa.

Tried that already...Ooops, they became soycialists and we had to fix that.

any other ideas?

haha gotem

Why do we care what they become, just leave them in Africa and they can start a gay only fascist dictatorship for all I care.

why do we care what they become

and this is why you don’t make decisions.

On Minecraft I'm the tool that creates ghettos.


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I thought that was low IQ, terrible work ethic, and excessive drug use

Troy was sacked for far less

Your wife taking your money and giving it to her boyfriend isn't you contributing to shit. Go prep the bull.

An interesting take but why would a rightoid be against this. Escalation is always a good thing

Niceee, thanks for sharing. Maybe now the cops will use brutality and excessive force. 😎

Maybe now the cops will use brutality and excessive force

they're way ahead of you, homedog

just yesterday they killed their body cams and iced a dude for no reason

Just rubber bullets? Anything less than a grenade launcher is pretty routine imo.

can you read? they shot him with real bullets. the good kind.

Skimmed mostly, something about a no knock raid resulting in a death and cops returning fire. It was longer than a paragraph so I got bored.

something about a no knock raid resulting in a death and cops returning fire

they iced a dude walking down the street unarmed.

you really can't read, huh?


Made that dude into halal pork

Based, can't wait for Cops with RPGs