My epic graph EPIC SUPER FUNNY

1  2020-06-02 by newchoppa5555


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This not me saying black people don't have it hard but the claims of them "innocent" and other stuff just isn't true. Nothing is ever just one sided. No one is always 100% in the wrong.

Minecraft is the reason Gen Z is becoming so redpilled. Here's some fun things to think about:

Steve: A white male ubermensch who conquers nature and carves it into his own dominion. He builds beautiful structures and ingenious redstone technology.

Zombies: Represent the bugman. Slow, stupid, and outnumber Steve by 100 to 1. They have no ulterior motives beyond consumption.

Creepers: Represent muslims. Not only do they blow themselves up but they are also green which is a color strongly associated with Islam.

Enderman: A tall black man who steals shit and can't swim

Villagers: Big nosed merchants who live in the desert and have their hands constantly rubbed together

Notch saw that Sweden was getting cucked and made Minecraft in collaboration with Pewdiepie in an effort to redpill the Aryan youth


  1. My epic graph EPIC SUPER FUNNY -,

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BuT tHeRe'S mOrE wHiTe PeOpLe ThAn BlAcK pEoPlE aNd ThAt'S wHy MoRe WhItEs WeRe KilLeD!


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I like how the people who unironically makes these points never stops and thinks "maybe the reason why police brutality against blacks are more common than whites is because black people does more shit that's more likely to get them killed" i.e fleeing the scene, having a weapon

Blacks also commit 60% of the violent crime so technically they are less likely to get shot by the police for committing a violent crime than white people are

everyone gets killed by the police

yes and that’s why millions protested this weekend lmao

What kind of cuck just wants criminals to get away with shit? Whats that like 30 unjustified deaths while policing 330 million people, its microscopic.

I don’t believe in the State, I’m a Lolbertarian.

I hate the state and will do anything to weaken it

Untill I'm in power. That's why I weaken it now.

Imagine unironically being so beta that you become a lolbertarian instead of seeing freedom as a mere vehicle to take power and enforce your worldview for all to obey. You're literally admitting that you'll cope with people not being exactly as you imagine them. You're being indecisive and refusing to make the world based no matter what. What a beta male worldview. That's why I see the libertarian-authoritarian slider on the political compass as a "how much do you want it?" slider.

astronomically based

im okay with fascism as long as im the boot

Literally us right now. Every time I'm told "you're privileged because you're white, straight, able, Christian, and upper middle class, you are literally in the most powerful societal group" I wish it'd work that way because that means I'd be the boot. That's why everyone who claims "you won't be the boot after your coup!!!1!!" is a fucking idiot because they spend all their time saying we're the ones profiting from right wing authoritarianism, a direct contradiction. I know that I must further the goals of my group first and for that to be done most efficiently the boots must be mine. We must extremify the society that the left claims is benefiting us, because obviously it's not enough. Time to buy some riot gear on ebay and get inside the armoured truck with my fellow DeuxChads to roll into the high-crime ghettos. It's AuthRight takeover time.

I don't know why all lefties aren't tankies because if I was them I'd want what's best for my group over all else, so I'd AuthMaxx the fuck out of a welfare society. I think it's because they're hella pathetic and can't organise a proper revolution. Oh also because it won't actually benefit them because communism doesn't work. Leftoids btfo.

You are literally the most powerful societal group. Who else is there? Niggas need welfare. Mexicans are still mad they lost Texas and are running from their shithole country, Jews and Asians are doing well but still a tiny minority.

Mayos top government, business and society. You're just mad you're not a rich mayo which is why you don't get as much privilege. I mean if you're a poor mayo you're pretty much a middle class nigga.

Do the group that mustn't be named count as mayos in your book? Then you're 100% correct.

On an unrelated note, your entire comment is seething on all fronts and everyone can tell. This would be good if you didn't attempt to hide it like a leftoid beta would do. "Feel your anger. Embrace your hate. Let it elevate your mental state." are words you should know of.

If you think I am seething you are gravely mistaken. I'm in the preparation phase. If I was mad I'd be doing nothing except wallowing in self pity. What I'm doing is announcing my ability and intent to take down the bad mayos that are helping the non-mayos so good mayos like me and my fellow DeuxChads can install absolute mayo leadership. We won't be supporting mayo foids though since they are literally disgusting. Rather volcel or polluting the gene pools of non-mayos than mayo gussy.

We're not out to trigger le unebin libs, we're not here to be mean to cope, we're here to focus, and get our little rightoid faggot MDEfugee victory that we have wet dreams about.

Lmao this is literaly seething

Every time I'm told "you're privileged because you're white, straight, able, Christian, and upper middle class, you are literally in the most powerful societal group" I wish it'd work that way because that means I'd be the boot.

And this is coping

If you think I am seething you are gravely mistaken. I'm in the preparation phase. If I was mad I'd be doing nothing except wallowing in self pity.

"Y-y-yeh well I'm arming myself for a revolution". You're a rightoid version of a mayo communist.

Yes I specifically said Kikes. That is jews.

Like I said it's mayos fault. You sold your own people out to kikes and other interests. No one else to blame lmao.

We're not out to trigger le unebin libs, we're not here to be mean to cope, we're here to focus, and get our little rightoid faggot MDEfugee victory that we have wet dreams about.

Lmao please include this in your manifesto when you try to start your revolution and get shot by mayo cops.

Whoah! Projecting Deuxrama effortposter seething because he got called out for seething, complete with memearrow quotations; now available in stores for only 12 paragraphs

Twelve paragraphs of pure inability to take an L. And mans talking about seethe and cope.

No one's going to read that, in fact I stopped halfway through. How do I unsubscribe from your blog? I don't want to read this test final essay. No excuse for spending more than 5 minutes writing a Deuxrama comment unless it's a mighty schizopost designed to unsettle Chapos and AHS users by glowing so much you need sunglasses to read it.

Zero-gain effortposters get the wedge.

Please try to start a race war. I sincerely hope you lead an uprising. No need to waste more time on Reddit, arm yourself and start shooting lmao.

Unfortunately for my brothers in the US I'm not American so there aren't really any jogger hordes in the street, so right now I'm at the arming myself part, staring down sadly at my guns waiting for some antifags to act up. I'd gladly come and help if it wasn't for these stupid travel restrictions. Makes you think about why they put them in place...

Hang in there, burgerboys!


Why take the risk of letting a maniac free when you don't have to

Technically, only 95 of them (black+white) are maniacs.