Is there any interest in creating a subreddit for actual riot footage instead of cherry picked stuff reddit pushes?

1  2020-06-02 by shit_post_city


He’s mad he showed up trying to push white supremacy and took bricks to the face.

Edit: that ass kicking was well deserved for his prior actions. Let this be a lesson to anyone who thinks race matters over empathy. We have none for you.

where did you get your facts dumb bitch jannie? He was simping for a bar then appologized for getting his ass whooped? You even see his tweets?

Why should I acknowledge a SIMP who never SPENT time being locked up for being black and fitting a profile until they toss you into the street hours later to have your family freaking out wondering why you disappeared?

One thing I never understood as a European is why the fuck do people walk around unarmed in a country that literally allows you to carry a gun?!

This is despicable. Own your country. You are the majority, you are not a tyrant, you are not majoritarian, but you are the majority, that comes with certain gravitas that you need to own.

  • A non-western person who's been having to incidentally follow this shit show for browsing Reddit.

I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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I feel like I'm reading another language when I look at that link in removeddit. Based? nu-male? And why do they hate the nintendo switch so much? I googled "soyboy meme" and now I'm even more mystified.


  1. Is there any interest in creating a... -,

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that's the dude who attacked people with a sword

The virgin looter vs the chad crusader

The sword guy is a brony fanfic author

I changed my mind, I wish he got attacked more.

Now I'm ok with him being beaten up

Also a Jew who said that whites deserve terrorism against them.

you can tell by the white pants

das rite crackkka

He was also a shitlib who posted about systemic racism on twitter lmfao

why was he doing that?

Defending his business is what I heard. Too bad he didn't have a lil armalite handy.

He was defending a bar he liked.

Ah thanks for passing that along. It's hard to get proper info. Just turned on theamazinglucas on YouTube on this subject and he immediately said the same.

It was his favorite bar, not even joking.

Also the dude wrote a (apparently very popular) brony fanfic, lol.

He was a brony? Okay he deserved to get kicked to near death

An unorganized protest would always lead to anarchy which alienate the masses and bring about the destruction of the innocent lives, while the traditionals cry for brick and mortar and the pseudoleft cry for normalcy

r/ActualPublicFreakout is pretty good

and tbh you can just look on twitter by searching the n word

Yeah guys, you can find all the unbiased videos on twitter by searching for racial slurs.


So you 'people' downvote lolcows in this sub? SMH my head you deserve to be replaced by immigrants

Oh I see, this sub is racist as fuck. Good to know.

Ok chang.

Say what you wanna say, homie. You wanna talk about my name? Stop being a coward bitch and say what you really wanna say about Asians.

racial slur in name

y-y-you're the racist!

Uh, how the fuck did you come to the conclusion that me having Chang in my username is a racial slur? I’m Asian, you idiot.

Damn, the racism was coming from inside!

Imagine being so racist you think every person with the name Chang in their username couldn’t possibly be Asian and is just another racist troll like them. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Imagine being so racist that you name your kid Chang. Just because he got chinky eyes.

I bet most of your worldly possessions were made in Asia, there’s no way your stupid ass earns enough money to boycott Asian goods. China already owns us, the joke’s on you, fuckin idiot.

This is like claiming slaves ran the US because they picked all the cotton.

Yeah, cause the Chinese are unpaid slaves and not people we owe an assload of money to and supply a huge amount of our imported goods. Just stop, dude. You had your fun with your idiotic racist jokes that you and your troglodyte friends are joining in on. You’re not gonna win an argument against someone who has the added advantage of having parents that aren’t related.

You guys all look the same and are all named Chang. How can you be sure you aren't related?

It’s truly unfortunate you’ve already contributed your worthless DNA to the gene pool.

Nice, you stalked my profile! Senpai noticed me!


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You’re not gonna win an argument against someone who has the added advantage of having parents that aren’t related.

Awooowooowook somebody did a heckin' racism!

One of us! One of us!

How retarded do you have to be to get triggered by this? I thought Asians were supposed to be smart

Considering how racist you've been in this thread, your lack of self-awareness is hilarious.

Damn, that’s legit coming from a guy who just called me a flip flop moped Asian. 😂If you wanna take that inbred comment as racist towards white people that’s on you, I didn’t say that. I was just saying guy is stupid as fuck and tells unfunny racist jokes. If I gotta put up with racism I hate it even more when it’s corny bad jokes. Unfortunately if I were clowning on white people for inbreeding I wouldn’t be exempt from the jokes either because I’m mixed. Does that mean that you can only be half as racist to me now or does it somehow work against me? How does that work with you idiots?

Well, I know I'm racist and I know I'm also joking. You're in denial about being racist and also 100% serious.

Ah I get it, you guys can say all this awful dehumanizing shit to me and it’s ~just a joke bro~ but I’m the hateful one in denial about my racism because I made a joke about inbreeding that didn’t mention race at all. Whatever you gotta tell yourself, bruh.

Can you really de-humanize an Asian?

lmao no


Ooh, poor little kiddo you seem weally angwy 🥺

Why so upset? Although I would be too if my cock was so little!

Are you gonna keep having a tantrum? Need mommy to comfort you? I hope not since she’s busy with me.

Go back to r/AsianMasculinity, you cuckhold

Chang GF craving BWC lmoa

My Deuxrama commenter? He's Asian.

I'm so sorry for the hardships you have experienced in your life. If I could choose to be Asian, I wouldn't.

Chang is a real Chinese name

You gotta be shitting me.

No I'm pooping you 😂

Pretty much every 1 syllable sound ending in ng is a real chinese name. Dong bong tong etc.

We talkin' even Ching Chong?

Switch those around and it’s the name of one of their largest cities.

Vietnamese on it's face is even worse, since the alphabet just makes every word look like Duong and Truong

If it contains ng its about 50/50 whether it is Chinese or Vietnamese.

What the fuck really?

smol pp

Go eat a dog you feckless gook

>say what you really wanna say about Asians.

Honorary master race.

If not held back by communism or tyranny Asians are undoubtedly the superior race. Who else comes back from being nuked and build a first world country in a matter of decades? Japanese and Korean stuff is superior to all other stuff and that is a fact.

Even china, in the early 90s it was still a far off shithole who no-one cared about and now it's taking over the world. Why is it just Asian countries that pull off stuff like that?

Because we're pretty much homogeneous and doesn't have libtards

Their country is still homogenous, thats why

Still a shit hole. And if you consider the proliferation of street cars selling bats deep fried in oil made from human feces taking over the world, you may want to stop shitposting for awhile.

You have to dodge hobo shits in US cities and they are considered a superpower. Who cares what the poor are doing? Look at GDP and more imortantly GDP growth.

Look at GDP and more importantly GDP growth.

Literally STONKS

Asian men cry when they see AFWM and Koreans are the best Asian.

Ooh, I didn’t know about these different tiers of racism! Why are Koreans the best Asians in your eyes? I’m a Korean woman so does that mean I get a lesser dose of racism from you?




Dear God

I'm a woman

🤢 🤢 🤢 🤮

Ya gotta make more of an effort to hold it in man! 🥴🤢🥴🤢🤮

Are you a woman or a woman with a feminine penis. I know how you Koreans are.


How did you find this sub?

Lmao what gay performative bullshit. Stop talking to this nerd online like you’re in a real fight you goofy fuck. No one is brave or a coward on Reddit. Real Chang behavior.

they have little pps

Lol are you new?

Looks like they just stumbled upon the sub for some reason.

They’re a tantruming little bitch in all their other comments though, lol, so this sounds par for the course.

I can’t blame a guy with a tiny penis, and who all women shun and never want to be with, tbh.

Isn't immigration beautiful? We're enriching your culture.


You came to wrong neighbourhood, kiddo. Now scram before we show you how racist we really are

*cracks knuckles*

xD rawr (“)(_’)(“)

Holy shit, I don’t think I’ve ever experienced so much second-hand embarrassment reading a comment on the internet before. 😂Thanks, I needed a laugh.

*growls at you*

GRR >:(

Never thought I’d have an interaction with racist furries. Guess there’s a first time for everything.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

UwU you can embarrass me daddy 🤤😏

is this how we look to outsiders?

ok goy

The NPC has spoken.


Don't repeat what other people say. That isn't how you fit in with autism. Dm me and I'll hook you up with some free resources.

No, only the n word

Imagine believing hoodlums who tell you that someone called them the N word after they assault them. It’s a lie.

"Cracker" works too

Almost upvoted you there before realizing you were attempting to be funny


unbiased videos

Yeah those racially targetted attacks have no bias whatsoever on the pov of the attackers lmao.

omg u guys are racist

But were not actually beating people for their skin color so it turns out racists are literally better and safer company than blacks.

Except for the cops out their killing people based on skin colour...

ignore cops killing whites. ignore black cops killing blacks. push every case of white cop killing black person into national consciousness, even when the white cop is hispanic or not a cop.

"see, cops are killing people based on skin color!"

To bad we don’t have stats or accountability to see how many cops are killing peple. I wonder why that is?

So you agree that your beliefs have no basis?

Lol because the people killing innocents (of all colour) won’t let us count the number.

You think that’s okay ?

This is what you originally said:

Except for the cops out their killing people based on skin colour...

I was replying to someone that said a racist are better than black people.

I wasn’t using this video for anything? And I’m pointing out I wish we had stats to know how many people cops killed. And yes I do believe that non-whites would make of the higher percentage. That doesn’t mean all lives don’t matter

Okay, nevermind then.

And I’m pointing out I wish we had stats to know how many people cops killed.

There are stats to know how many people cops killed. They aren't broken down by how many are justified vs not. But you can find the stats by race and whether the person who was shot was armed.

There is no federal mandate for police to report people they kill as far as I know

Those stats are misleading and I'd bet they are deleting the posts of anyone who points this out.

I think the police need to be held accountable, too, but these black and white takes, and black vs. white takes are fucking retarded and are just going to prolong this shit.

The US has some of the deadliest cities in the world. St. Louis has the 9th highest murder rate in the world. Baltimore is 11. You don't think that explains some of those shooting deaths?

Criminals are only of one color?



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Turns out being a non-white male makes it much more likely to get killed by a cop.

That’s what these protests are about.

being non white makes it much more likely to get killed by a cop

And being black makes it like 25x more likely you'll get killed by another black person than a cop. The bullshit link you gave is also retarded, blacks commit 50% of murders and a disproportionate amount of violent crime, if theyre 24% of those killed but 50% of violent criminals, then they are literally underrepresented as shooting victims. This is especially true when copkillers are almost 40% black.

Because they are systematically repressed

Keep trying to justify your racist views

theyre unjustifiably shot by police!

ok so the numbers say otherwise but its because of Da SysTeM!1!1!1!1!1!111

y-y-youre racist!

Im not a mayo, calling me a racist means shit. CRY MORE WYTE BOI

It’s okay I understand you are frustrated you can’t get laid

i understand you're frustrated because you cant get laid

Ah yes, because the guy seriousposting about why criminal joggers are abused by the system all day on reddit is totally getting laid himself. Lmfao you couldnt be more obvious about your incel status even if you put up a photo of yourself.

The account that you're arguing with and called you an incel has posted an average of 2 times an hour the last 3 days so either a shut in with absolutely no life or this is some schill account being run by more than one person.

2 times an hour


Lol I bet you are happy with your life

According to your post history you've been serious posting and defending the burning of cities and destruction of black owned businesses for almost 3 days straight so either you have a wildly unsatisfactory and lonely life or there's more than 1 person running your lying agenda posting account. So which is it comrade?

Show me one post of me supporting looting.

I’ve been sat home like most people during this time

Dude you ain't worth skimming thru your history and barely even a reply . You're a fucking NPC using NPC insults v 1.2 . Anyone can see how passionate you are about it that you're pro looting. Also "oh no a w-w-wacist " is the only comeback you have. Go on your agenda schizo posting for another 3 straight days and not sleep.


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Your hilarious use of unoriginal insults is super generic and uncreative. Your master need to come up with some better buzzwords

Also I’m done with whatever the fuck this sub is supposed to be. There is no intelligence in people that can’t spell full words

I'm done with this sub

Good, get out and stay out NIGGEEEEEEEEEER

Lol I really hope you are a young person going through a phase.

I thought you were leaving faggot

You literally used the insult of incel to the guy above me. Your whole personality is based on i.d. politics. You are a literal NPC and we are all laughing at your pathetic ass. You are boring and have no views that are your own. Go to bed dude you've been posting 3 days straight .

You are the guy stuck in your bizzaro land of non-sensical idiots who think they are smarter than everyone else.

You keep trying to take over the world here with your friends but those “gigachads” (?) are gonna hold you down.

The projections of your insecurities onto others is also very apparent.

Oh yes I'm projecting now since you're the one calling people incel and have been posting online for 3 straight fucking days. Yes sir you sure have me. Sure do buddy can't argue with that programmed response there comrade

I haven’t once called the guy an incel

You were the one that claimed this

I said he was frustrated not getting laid.

You based his entire identity off that one comment. Funny, projecting your own “Identify politics” for everyone onto me.

Yeah dude see you're so stupid you literally described him as an incel and have no clue what an incel is just that it's what you've been programmed to say. Your whole existence is meaningless and you know it. You're not even a rudderless boat drifting . You're a turd swirling around the toilet .

You keep repeating incel like you are programmed to think someone that can’t get laid must focus their whole identity around it.

You keep calling him an incel, because you have no other words to describe him because you cannot make any sort of judgement for yourself and have to go to media buzzwords.

That second paragraph sounds like a cry for help. I hope you find a good purpose to work towards. That’s what did the trick for me

Lol goddamn you're pathetic lmao imagine being so stupid as to fall for such obvious bait and to reply with such lackluster logic . No wonder you can't sleep because you are obviously so sensitive that any little thing outrages you so much you lie there and seethe .

If this and pushing for white supremacy is your idea of a good purpose you have a long wait for happiness

Nah dude ain't no white supremacists here just people fucking with lolcows like you. You weren't even a good one ... You literally fail at every aspect of life.

Ahhh yes you clearly have great insight on life if this is what you do lol

Oh it's fun. Way better than posting poor arguments for 3 days straight like you do. I mean dude seriously? Get some rest and quit trying to save the world. You aren't good at it . Like at all.

I dunno, I think I got you spot on and you gave up your little dissociation act. Id say it was a good argument.

Keep telling yourself you argued well. No one else thinks you did to tho

No one here has more than 3 brain cells

Ok buddy retard . You literally have turned me racist with your boring ass. Now for every post you make I will beat the small black crack baby I have in foster care. Way to go. So keep posting cause daddy's got a paddle now. Imagine thinking you could get a read on a literal gimmick account. Keep posting another 3 days straight schizo

Hey man I think you're a fucking fag. Not the dick sucking type either , the whiny little bitch type. You seem like a an extremely insecure shut in. I'd feel bad for you if you weren't such a nonperson.

Really dude? a third account? No one reads this far into a thread. Must have really hit home with that last one.



I got banned from there for quoting someone who said 13%

I tried to post a few links to some videos like this one on a comment r/publicfreakout because I was responding to people who were calling me a racist retard for believing that a black person has ever been violent in one of these riots and they shadowbanned me. That sub is fucking terrible and tries to cherrypick the content that can be viewed by someone to an extreme degree. Anything that shows that it wasn’t a white supremacist/russian shill doing anything remotely violent and they’ll immediately ban you

yeah r/publicfreakout is totally asshurt when it comes to that. r/pics is much worse though.

I was permabanned on r/pics the other day for saying black gangs don’t get along with latin kings in LA. Reddit jannies are trying incredibly hard to push the narrative that minorities are an awesome amazing leftist coalition all fighting in unity against evil drumpf supporting mayo supremacists since the election grows closer and the looting continues

I remember watching him a few years back, can you explain what’s left of that community now?

Whole community turned on him after so many scandals and lying, shut down his Reddit for the 3rd or so time, people had enough and mass migrated to Ice_Poseidon2, he had a "streamer mansion" which was a massive fail, moved to Mixer where he only gets a few hundred viewers, Reddit admins y'all IP2 and IP1 subs, IP2 migrates to saidit and mostly follows other streamers who used to be part of the Cx crew (Onlyusemeblade, ebz, etc) and other edgy IRL streaming.

Thanks! The posts and comments on the forum you send me look more sad and toxic than ever, hope Paul is doing okay tho.

Holy shit IP2 is still alive?!?

it is the only successful board to emigrate to an alternative reddit platform which is still alive with an active sub base

You mean you want to see only footage that promotes your views? Because I don't know what you are talking about, I'm seeing horrible footage from both sides.

the actual state of dooksrama 🥳

People defending themselves and their property from crazed savages is not horrible

A human life is worth more that property.


What an eloquent retort. Hopefully someone reminds everyone at your funeral about that idea of yours.

Ah who am I kidding? No one would attend the funeral of someone so callous.

If you’re looting that means you value property over your own life...

Or that your life is threatened on such a regular basis that you become numb to the concept and just do whatever you want.

That or you realize the only way you are going to bring attention to your issue is to hurt the things people care about more than black lives: buildings and consumer goods.

Yes. I'm sure burning down Chang's noodle shop will end police brutality. Jumping and beating that white kid who's defending property within an inch of his life will end racism. WE'RE THE GOOD GUYS BIGOTS!

Fuck off, This movement lost any semblance of virtue when they started targeting innocents. Which was almost immediately.

I said the same thing when these protests started and cops started shooting bean bags at innocent people on their porches.

Okay? Did I say anywhere that cops were justified? Is your goal to one up the people you claim to be against?

Oh, cops are bad, so anything we do is good. Cops shoot bean bags. Bean bags hurt. So us maiming people and burning down livelihoods is nothing in comparison.

Not saying its right, just trying to explain why people are pissed and are acting irrationally.

They have no right to destroy people's livelihoods and 100% deserve to be shot for looting.

They have no right to destroy people's livelihoods

Replace "livelihoods" with "lives", and you will begin to understand the frustration of the black community with regards to police.

And they are only responding their deaths with violence towards physical property, seems like you are promoting responding to violence towards physical property with death.

Yep. People have every right to defend their property and here you are trying to justify looting and stealing. People like you are mental gymnastic retards.

I'm actually pretty firm on my beliefs, if you would really like to know. It basically boils down to human lives are more important than physical objects.

Yep which is why if someone robs my house I'm fearing for my life and will kill them.


Based justified looters shooting a 77 year old black man. His blood is on your hands for supporting this shit scumbag.

One example, compared to the hundreds of examples of police murdering innocent folks.

You are right though,it is a god damn tragedy that that happened to him. Hopefully the Cointelpro agent behind it is brought to justice.

Okay, then you shouldn't be getting up in arms when people also recognize it's not right.

Yeah let’s just destroy the lives of other individuals. That’ll sure teach them to care about my beliefs. Most people put their life savings into small businesses. So yeah they’re ruining lives. If they want destroy government property be my guest. But private businesses and homes is bullshit and they damn right that property is worth the same or more than the lives of the people looting them.

You loot a store, the person may also be fearing for their life and the moment you step in to steal shit get that ass filled with lead bitch.

Nice hypothetical, but every single one of these stores have been closed prior due to either after hours or in prep of protests.

“Just bend over and take it bigot!”

No. This attitude is exactly why millions of people are going to be arming themselves in the coming weeks

That’s also why people are burning and looting, a hilarious cycle.

Burgers are such pussies and fags, tbh, it kind of hurts. All sides too - you and the dude you responded to both reek of tampon from a mile away.


Then they should value their life more and not destroy and attack property

And my life is worth the most of all

That noise you just heard is about 300 years worth of true patriots simultaneously facepalming from beyond the grave.

White self hating cuck detected.

virgin incel detected

Status: triggered

Seethe ;)

Is he dead?

no, his shoes are still on

I have heard that he survived.

He started cuckposting about it the next day, he survived.

Right, I saw that. Typical Mayo. "I'm sorry Kangs nearly killed me!"

On reddit? Ping him

You can't be serious... I refuse to believe it.

Nah I saw it. He had posted all that white apologist shit in the past too

“White people deserve terrorism against them”

May 8th

Mayos are fucking pathetic.

Possibly the only group in history who thanks their attackers and asks for more.

dat outgroup preference

he APOLOGIZED for getting his ass handed to him

Das rite whitey


You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!



Mayo was trying to jog, das cultural appropriation yo!

Only joggers can jog in 2020!

I tried to make r/peaceful_protest a thing way back when. Wish it had taken off.


jfl at the last nigga going thru a dead mans pockets

So satisfying

"This subreddit was banned due to a violation of Reddit’s content policy against creating or repurposing a sub to reconstitute or serve the same objective as a previously banned or quarantined subreddit."

Why did they attack him? Just to rob him? For no reason other than they could?

How is this a positive message?

Because he was charging with with a machete lmao. That anime fag literally asked for it.


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Well, given the amount of drama this post managed to stir up, I'd say there's a lot of interest, OP.

Ah yes, he gets some rocks thrown at him, meaning he‘s totally justified to turn around and chase back other protesters for a good 50 feet run. He totally didn‘t deserve to get the soul beat out of him. Smh mayos are so fragile

So r/wholesome to see a group of joggers partaking in group exercise, seeing how obesity affects the jogger community

Lmao sword bro 😂

See it’s all just culture. The crime and violence that’s comparable to sub Saharan Africans, this is something we have to learn to live with!

And tbh we need more! I know we currently ship in more brown people than any other country on the planet by far. But I mean come on, they drive down wages so CocaCola has cheap labor!!1! Just because blacks rape and pillage our nation doesn’t mean they don’t add to our society bigot.

Isn't this the mlp fan fiction guy?

Yes lol

straight for the pockets when he gets knocked out. my sides

I would def be interested i love watching uppity mayos get stomped out 😊



swords, getting stoned, roving rape gangs etc. What is this, the bronze age?

Whenever I don't feel like lifting I look at shit like this and remember I'm training for the upcoming racewar

But you are not genetically engineered to lift. Just give it up. Buy a AR-16


A literal autistic brony running around a riot zone with a medeival sword, is america even real

A Cold Steel Gladius-Machete is not medieval it's bronzepunk


What did he do?


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That is correct


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He is white


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