Grindr removed race filters to support BLM. Users butthurt.

1  2020-06-02 by NumerousEvent


I saw comments from gay black guys complaining about how hard it will be to find other gay black guys in a majority white city now. They only hurt themselves really, mayos will still have no problem finding each other.

Awesome, and one should keep their racist preferences to themselves. We, as a society, should be more comfortable sharing adult-baby/diaper fetish preferences in public than we should be with sharing racial preferences. Having racial preferences makes someone a bad person who I don't want to interact with and would spit on if given a chance.

Tiny mayo/asian dick COPE

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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Grindr removed race filters to supp... -,

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Black narcissism alienates yet another group.


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I’m Honestly surprised a race filter existed

Not being intimately familiar with grindr


How many WORDS WORDS WORDS can a man type on the internet?

How will bug chasers get their fix now?

Oh no they have to go from a 100% chance of getting aids to a 95% chance of getting aids how awful!

Hey kid, it was my choice to catch the disease. It's the only thing I spend my money on ever since I got this inheritance money from the old man croaking.

Im not shaming you my fellow deuxcel, I'm actually disappointed in how stupid your take is. If you have a lesser chance at aids then that means you must enjoy even more bussy to get it and since bussy is the greatest thing on the planet, its actually a net positive.

the last bastion of implicit white identity

Holy shit they had a race filter?

Say what you will about the queers, they had anonymous sex figured out down to a fucking science.

no beans or mayonnaise please, only rice🍚

Wtf! Hitler was god and he was based! All he wanted to do was filter out the jews from his earth 🤯

Users butthurt? must be from all the assfucking


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