George Floyd was a piece of shit and the world is better off without him

5  2020-06-02 by Das_rite_


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Yes Minecraft is symbolic in many ways with The book of Revelation in the Bible and is preparing Us for the End-times war. Whether you want to believe it or not the facts are undeniable and the similarities are tantamount to the fact this game was divinely created through the hand spiritually. The Creator of this game goes by the name of Notch and in Jewish Gematria that equals = 201 and Roman in Jewish Gematria also equals = 201 same goes for with Apollo and what does that mean, you tell me.


  1. George Floyd was a piece of shit an... -,

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Fuck off you fool, how long have you lot been cracking on about the end of day's, fuck your god and your shitty book

You're replying to a bot

i got 2 golds and also banned from that sub lol

Agenda jannies


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Ahh, it seems that I have come across the failed abortions of reddit. Yikes you people are absolutely disgusting and are seriously lost. 🤢🤮

Hi bud don't make jokes about abortions they're very traumatic for women

Wow this is seriously problematic. 36% of abortions are black babies. How can you joke about black issues like this? What are you, some type of racist?

Why is this queen getting downvoted?

The amount of mayos simping for the dead felon is sad yet hilarious

This shit is getting astroturfed hard on the social media younger people use, they’re really going after the young white girls with this one

Jesus he pointed a gun at a pregnant woman's stomach while invading her home what a fucking psychopath.


Redpilled woke based dissident anti establishment groyper sucking off the police state, government, and sitting president😂😂😂

you ever do such a good poop you cry a little bit

You’ll get used to the anal sex

I promise you the whole world is better off without all of you....

Repeal the 19th

Thanks for proving my point :)

Like anyone cares for the opinion of someone that fucks 🐕

Bro you need a mental health check.. did your mom drop you on your head or just do alot of drugs when she was pregnant with you??

I believe women are evil and that the gender of the devil is female. Products of the female psyche including liberalism, political correctness, multiculturalism, promotion of the metrosexual (woman with a penis), yoga and Marxism are all evil. Humanity will become redeemed when women become human beings. Right now they are mercenaries and blame everything on men. Pure evil.

Why are you gey?

Why are you homophobic?

Lol right over your head..... Why are you so extremely gynophobic??? If it weren't for a woman your sad little ass would have never been born, perhaps you have underlying mommy issues that project onto that, or maybe you just hate yourself and are insecure so that's why you think that women are the enemy. Either way you should hate yourself if you really think that.

I'm torn on abortion, on one hand most abortions are of black/brown babies but on the other hand, it gives women more rights than they deserve :( what do?

Do you take genuine pleasure in being a greasy little virgin troll on the internet? Does your mommy and daddy know that their little bitch of a son goes around reddit spreading racist, sexist, and outright VILE trash just for a couple of giggles for the other beta males out there?

Abortion should definitely be legal because it’s not my body, my choice, or my soul burning in hell for all eternity. & Who wants to be surrounded by thots in heaven? Abortion rights weeds em all out.

You certainly won't be in heaven

Abortion is good because poor people and negros get them

As much as op is being a fag at this point you’re being a typical woman trying to make us feel guilty in a place you don’t really belong in. Along with the fact it’s the typical angry girl response of just calling someone a ‘punk ass bitch’ or saying ‘stfu’ you really don’t contribute anything of value. It’s hilarious! Granted I can say anything here and get upvotes as this is absolutely a hive mind, western society will absolutely crash and burn in our lifetimes.

P.S Not only are you a woman, you are a woman who posts on Reddit.