Life truly does imitate art

1  2020-06-02 by [deleted]


Trustfund babies and coomer neetcels don't care about small businesses? Colour me shocked.

gommunists hate workcels

wtf I'm Stalin now

Stonetoss has never made an inaccurate comic.

He’s made some nonsensical ones though



The chapocel nonsense is coming from inside the deux. 😨😨

Well I guess it's balence.

The problem the average commie has always faced is that the proletariat is fucking stupid. It’s stupid everywhere, from pre-industrial Russia to modern US.

Being stupid is literally a requirement - just as with police work, an intelligent person will simply not be able to tolerate the boredom.

That’s ok, the world needs a solid chunk of stupid people. But any solidarity is best expressed at a distance.

Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. Life truly does imitate art -,

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there are millions better contradictions about commies than calling small business owners and their tax havens working class