
6  2020-06-02 by finitewaves


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this was posted here before. its amazing how they can make fun out of themselves and not realize it

A few in the comments realised lmao

haha lmao


i sometimes go into retarded subs like those, and they always use anime girls, the cope is strong lmao

They for some reason all make pfps on picrew, every picrew avatar on twitter is a tranny 100% of the time

you mean those shitty drawings that look like a 14 year old girl drew them?

Ruining anime for the rest of us

Me wen my dad fondles me and i watch animo

Actually a funny tranny post

Mini rant.

So I've been out of work for around a month due to personal reasons and I am openly out at my work. I told my boss I was returning and apparently people actively 'warned' newer employees I was trans. First thing I heard in regards to me before I clocked in or said anything was someone shout "It's Ma'am!"

Was a hella depressing start.

Based employee

They are this close to self awareness.

they were always close to it but never quite reaching it

I dunno 41% or so seem to figure it out.

not enough by 59%

The positive thing about that sub is the about half of them will be gone over the next few years anyway! Don’t let Reddit get y’all down.

Wholesome 100 🤗

r/wholesome r/mademesmile r/sounding

100% speedrun when

Tfw turned into anime profile pic


They're literally conscious of the fact this is a result of a shitty upbringing and still they insist on mutilating their body because of their mental illness

no wonder so many of them off themselves, seeing how they want to be anime women


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Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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I would

Let’s shoot for 40!

AITA for poisoning my entire family because they misgendered me?


meme discarded