Reacting swiftly, Mayor DeBlasio has declared mob rule. NYCells are upset.

6  2020-06-02 by cragfar


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Police protect me from the joggers. Nooooooo not like that, you can't hurt them when arresting them. You have to talk them down. Not the joggerinos.

God this cope is just cathartic. This is what happens when you bitch about police doing there job. Suddenly, everyone is wondering where the police are. They're just doing what you want, trying to talk down the protestors from looting Walmart. Turns out criminals don't listen to the Police and have to be apprehended, who would have though that?

I would pay to see jews and shit lib mayos vs joggers in the battle of new york

The wages of the urbanite.

Surprisingly there's a high percentage of red-pilled comments

About fucking time tbqh

We should put our lives in danger while the NYPD watches the city burn. Is this real life?

Are they actually retarted??? They want the police to intervene and protect them when they are against them? When there are already dead police officers and many who will be losing their jobs in the coming weeks?

What propaganda? Where would they hear it? Because they hear the exact opposite from: every TV station, all of Hollywood, the entire education system from kindergarten to postgraduate, all large political parties in the Western world, every tech platform bar none, and any other established entity. Hearing the truth from shitposters on extremely fringe internet forums, in the face of full-spectrum brainwashing from birth, does in fact make one more of a free thinker.


  1. Reacting swiftly, Mayor DeBlasio ha... -,

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Time to update the building codes

NYCells are always seething, but this is a delectable type of seethe. Perhaps it’s even crossed into sneeding?