Popeyes speaks to their customer base.

14  2020-06-02 by myNAMEjef420


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Looks like they took the tweet down and added more context lol

Gotta love these hamfisted virtue signal corporate tokenisms.

This isn’t virtue signaling, black people love Popeyes. They’re just being honest

My colleague used to eat that for breakfast and lunch

Bitching about virtue signaling is also virtue signaling.







imma signal this dick in your ass


You sent me a dick pick and I’m a dude


No it isn't

Yes it is.


Define virtue signaling

Yes this was a real tweet and they deleted it. Now they have replaced it with this.

No archive link = it didn't fucking happen

Just you wait till Popeyes runs out of chicken again and these race riots will be nothing



Fuck this makes me want some chicken rn


>Chimping because corporations aren't virtue signaling to BLM

>Chimping because a fried chicken restaurant virtue signaled to BLM

There's a theme here.

The first word?



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Where's the lie?

nowhere that's why they deleted it

Popeyes has killed more black people than every policeman combined.

Yes, but that was consensual.

Popeyes poisoning the black community so they are too fat to riot and die before they’re 30? Based.

It'd be fun to have one of things solidarity Tweets along the lines of "We're all in this together, together we can survive, COVID-19 Black Lives Matter

Id loot some of dem chiken sammiches no wut I'm sayun muh nigga

I kno dat mang

I mostly dont give a fuck about all this clusterfuck but this level of corporate use of this crisis its disgusting

100% true, can’t get mad about this one

We are nothing... you could've stopped your statement there. The earlier tweet has been seen. Start investing in the Black communities since they line your pockets. Hire Black executives, managers, and most importantly ensure your digital account owners exercise good judgement

Right, start hiring people because of their amount of melanine and not because of their skills!

I've been with a few women in my life and one thing I've noticed is that the female anus is incredibly close to the vagina, in fact they're barely an inch apart.

I'm not sure about other guys - but doesn't this disturb you? It feels like a design flaw in women actually -- like they're supposed to be so feminine and beautiful yet this ghastly little oversight is ruining everything.

Somehow it feels to me that women should be more aware of this flaw and it should affect their confidence. Whenever I see a so-called beautiful woman walking down the street so care-free thinking she's all that I just remember her anus is only 1 inch away from her pussy and laugh her into oblivion.


  1. Popeyes speaks to their customer ba... - archive.org, archive.today

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They’re not wrong lol. Their business went up like crazy after the TRUE chicken sandwich

I do love popeyes

The socialist revolution brought to you by national food chains and multi-national corporations.....but remember to wear your PPE and social distancing while your breaking stuff

KFC hasn't said anything about black lives, how dare they neglect their remaining customers like this

KFC is shit

im pretty sure popeye pummeled coons in the cartoon

Liberals: Let's spackle our ideological cum all over these fucking conservatards!

Also liberals: OMG, why do they feel so oppressed?

Second part is incorrect, we like that you feel oppressed.

How many people died for a spicy chicken sandwich?

At least one

Lol all companies that rely upon poor and working class labor could say this. They would fall apart in a day without people to exploit

Good thing the poor make up the overwhelming majority of the population.

does anyone know if there has been any corporation who has said all lives matter? I’m sure many are staying silent, but have any been ballsy enough to do that?

Their statement implies that they only care for our lives because it makes their wallet get big and not because we are humans

How can you not see a problem in SUCH a degrading wording of claiming out loud #BlackLivesMatter ??

Lmao this retard thinks any corporation gives a fuck about its "humans" and not the profit they bring them. Corporate pandering and virtue signaling was made for idiots like him

But our fried chicken boy!!

Zildjian said the same thing, but I don’t see you posting bout that.

The Turkish symbol and percussion company?

symbol Cringe

Cymbal whatever cracker.

I'm an INDIAN BVLL you fucking racist. 💩

I hope you guys fuck China up when we hit world war 3.

I hope you guys fuck China up when we hit world war 3.

When will Fanta grape soda do the same?

They literally genocide gay retarded birds that can’t even fly and we’re meant to believe they care about minorities?

Where is the lie?