Not only do you say horrific things, you also actively contribute to a misogynistic thread to continue flaming the fire. Honestly, there is something deeply, deeply wrong with you as a human being. I hope one day you find clarity, and let go of the intense hatred that is in your heart.
To all black people im sorry you both really shit at defending your nation and can’t control your impulses, we white people will work better by installing stronger anti thief prevention and help deescalate for you
Apologize for being born the color you were! You should be ashamed of being the color you are! What? What do you mean racist? I'm talking about white people it's not racist!
1 AutoModerator 2020-06-03
Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT
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5 SchnupfStaffel 2020-06-03
I'll send three of my house negroes to apologize in my name.
5 Fulgrim_Deciever 2020-06-03
Do not fear The Mayo-Beanoid-Ricel Alliance will be liberating you from the tyranny of the joglets soon!
5 Psykomanteum 2020-06-03
No. These Mayos will be the first on the wall. The alliance deserves only our finest stock.
4 ElectricEley 2020-06-03
What privilege
4 CultistHeadpiece 2020-06-03
1 Globalists_are_A-OK 2020-06-03
The privilege of having two parents.
1 Abnobaa 2020-06-03
Well I don't have that either
4 NeedHelpJustWannaPla 2020-06-03
White people be like
2 valuq 2020-06-03
"people" 🤔🤣
2 SlowFatHusky 2020-06-03
Those chains aren't locked right. How are they supposed to stay still while they're executed if they aren't secured properly?
2 BasedFrenchy3 2020-06-03
I'm sorry for my Jewish privilege.
1 SnapshillBot 2020-06-03
Not only do you say horrific things, you also actively contribute to a misogynistic thread to continue flaming the fire. Honestly, there is something deeply, deeply wrong with you as a human being. I hope one day you find clarity, and let go of the intense hatred that is in your heart.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 donpendejo 2020-06-03
Self-hating crackers are the most pathetic demographic.
1 SirCheekus 2020-06-03
M*yos back at it
1 KCappo 2020-06-03
Yall can stand up just give me my reparations check
1 riotguards 2020-06-03
To all black people im sorry you both really shit at defending your nation and can’t control your impulses, we white people will work better by installing stronger anti thief prevention and help deescalate for you
Signed Obama
1 reallythinkinghard 2020-06-03
I will not apologize for being Jewish ✊
1 Fulgrim_Deciever 2020-06-03
Long nose tribe bad.
1 CultistHeadpiece 2020-06-03
1 finitewaves 2020-06-03
sorry for party rockin'
1 Verocity9 2020-06-03
Thas rite!
1 AutoModerator 2020-06-03
📸 *SNAP*
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
1 Just_about_right 2020-06-03
Those are Christians, by the way. This is why modern Christianity is cucked and should probably just be abandonned.
1 Exlight_03 2020-06-03
What if I'm tanned
1 banned_user-14488 2020-06-03
Das rite crakka
1 GWashingtonsGhost 2020-06-03
Suckas. Idolizing. Mediocre. People.
1 Minecraft_Tryhard 2020-06-03
I fucking hate mayos.
1 ForlornGrace 2020-06-03
Fuck it, amerimutts had it coming. Go go kangz!
1 hashtagrealaccount 2020-06-03
Apologize for being born the color you were! You should be ashamed of being the color you are! What? What do you mean racist? I'm talking about white people it's not racist!
1 looxmaxing 2020-06-03
Lo siento 🥺