Leftoids can't admit anything and are literally playing mental gymnastics and proposing schizo conspiracies to justify rioting, looting, shooting people and cops.

1  2020-06-03 by knuckledowntown

Just admit looting and rioting is wrong chapoids.


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Those are libs not leftoids but go off i guess, dont give me whorish examples like CTH

Those fags and Antifa encourage the violence. I say citizens first, small business first bullets fired.

Antifa is a sad organization, i appreciate their sentiment but they dont have a reason for the violence except muhh anarchy, they dont realise that to the people they have become the same villains they are supposedly protecting people from

Good take

Yea this is a pretty common take in most actual communist and socialist communities, ofc you wont get them from reddit which is gearing for a fucking race war, there are only 2 classes, one is a minority while the other is the remainder of the human race

Wait so you're saying you see division through economical and class means, not through woke race division?

dude get off reddit. seriously.

:EDIT: twitter too. there are so many rightoid bot accounts and brainless leftoid LARP-at-homes

I'm calm, relaxed, playing some vidya. I have at least half a brain to realise woke shit only comes from reddit and twitter.

Economic division is a proponent of the class division, woke capitalism is a disease which spread more tumor in the name of criminal blacks and white supremacist whites, it must be put down, we do not want to destroy culture. We do not want to share all the property, as it's usually attributed to us. We do not want to return humanity to barbarism. On the contrary, we want to raise all of humanity to the highest possible level of culture. We want to make all means of culture and education accessible to everyone, without exception, in accordance with their needs and abilities.

It’s leftists


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Good janny

A certain noisy subset of leftists* are saying the looting and violence is good

I could honestly not care less about corporate (illegal but somehow dodge the law) monopolies getting their shit looted, but the small business people being attacked really grinds my gears.

I'm not anti-small business, I'm anti-monopoly. But that said, any joggers looting their communities and destroying the livelihoods of honest people should be filled with lead.

just think of it as the urban tax

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser. Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Leftoids can't admit anything and a... - archive.org, archive.today

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Cope chapo-bot

take a deep breath

Take a deep cock in yo mouth white boi

i just wanna grill minorities

Agenda post; didn't read. 😎

I am literally a libertarian leftoid. Just not the woke college corporate sponsored version.

ok now show feet

You don't wanna see them, my 12 inch subway, maybe.


What? I literally got a 12 inch Subway for dinner.

man im not judging but are you 15 or something

What are you 12? A humourless chapoid or something? Get a job you fucking loser.

Besides, it's a joke you faggot. Seethe, cope and have sex.

didn't laugh but ok

Seethe commufaggot. Cry and lick up my cum you beta cuck.

chad moment

Why not just say feckless liberal?

My new favorite insult is feckless pussy.

Cut out the faggotry and stop molesting children.


If they could at least admit that looting and violence are collateral damage, that you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, that it's a necessary side effect to radical change then I could at least respect it as an opinion. Not necessarily agree but definitely respect. But they're so addicted to feeling morally superior that they can't even do that. They have no credibility, their "understanding" of the world relies on convenient world theories and is out of touch with how real life works and they need to be cyberbullied for drama and lolz. Cope, seethe and dilate

Burning down billion dollar corporations: BROKE

Burning down local businesses run by minorities, whites and regular people: WOKE

Leftoids can't admit anything and are literally playing mental gymnastics and proposing schizo conspiracies

What's new?

It was never about the ideology. There is no finish line where they go, "oh damn we did it, pack up here let's go home" There will always be another grievance to fuel the victim mentality

Yep, and when the media ignores black victims of the looting and rioting we know it's only agenda based and not for anyone's betterment.

Go to r/Blackpeopletwitter and you’ll find a post with over 80k upvotes condoning the riots because mUh sLavErY aNd oPpResIon. Really sticking it to the white man by burning down low income housing and destroying local businesses. Bad enough the riots are happening, but the riots are also creating more disdain for the black community, and defending it just makes you look like a moron lmao.

Based burning down your own neighbourhood to be poor and promote gentrification. Based galaxy brained /r/blackpeopletwitter

Why would they care lol, all the regulars live in Suburbs, Gentrified neighbourhoods and apartment buildings with 2000 a month rent.

>black people



i kekd

Is it building more disdain though? There are so many people on zuccbook that didn't give a shit about earlier iterations of BLM shit that are simping hard as fuck now that it's fashionable. I hope they're in the minority irl because the internet isnt real but fuck even boomers are in on it from what I've seen.

You won’t find the disdain on Reddit or twitter because they are in a constant state of cucking for blacks and blacks people but the average American sees that shit and realizes how moronic and disgusting it is.

Anecdotal, but I’m a self employed handyman in the Denver area, which is pretty damn liberal, and every customer I’ve seen in the last few days is tired of the riots and wishing the national guard would step in and restore order.

A normal person does that while also recognizing that cops have gotten fucking retarded and need a spanking.

People are possibly becoming more redpill day from this

They began by justifying killing defenseless, innocent babies. They will never apologize.


Boomerino is talking about abortion.


Seethe anti-science retard.

Future joggers aren't innocent, tradcuck

Chapocels are the end result of extreme internet and pornography addictions. Absolutely melted brains.

Based coomerfugee

It's not wrong though. Violence solves everything.

This unironically.

"The looters are white supremacists!" and "Punch a nazi!!!" vs "Riots are the voices of the unheard." and "You care about property more than people!?!?"



Who are you talking to?

Deru deru! Zelda no densetsu!
Deru deru deru deru tsui ni deru!
Go-jyasu Kondo no bouken
Rearu! kimimo sugu ni taiken
Niku de yasune konjikushou
Koukatsu no nazo toki akushyon
Tomadou koto nagu nomerikomou
Mochi noron, supaa famicom
Shirazu shirazu to shinkenshoubu
Koyo ima Zelda wa saikyou jyou
Supaa famicom Zelda no densetsu
Deru deru deru deru tsui ni deru!

Some retard told me undercover cops dressed as protestors were the ones who started the violence against... the cops.

What? Do you not know how false flagging works? That makes perfect sense. Some fake cop throws a brick in the direction of the other cops, now they have jurisdiction to beat down and tear gas the protestors and break up the protest

You’re saying the police would rather ramp up violence... against themselves... so they can be violent to protestors? Are you being serious?

Yes? Do you not understand how this works? here's an example from c*nada: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/quebec-police-admit-they-went-undercover-at-montebello-protest-1.656171

It's about discrediting the protests. Police also plant cop cars to get defaced/burned

If you have some faggot ass response, respond now because I’m about to delete this account. SAY YO SHIT OR FOREVER HOLD YO PEACE

Das rite keep dat mouf shut wite boi

I was doing something can't be online 24/7 like you bitch. I'm sure you'll come back to read this thread though so I'm not worried

I understand what you’re telling me. But what you’re telling me doesn’t make logical or strategic sense.

They are not interested in ‘discrediting’ protestors. The objective of the police is to stop the looting and burning. Period. That’s their job.

The protestors, ‘discredited,’ themselves on their own because they’ve already burned down half of Minneapolis. Or are all those videos of shirtless black people looting and killing also undercover policemen?

From your own article:

"At no time did the police of the Sûreté du Québec act as instigators or commit criminal acts," "It is not in the police force's policies, nor in its strategies, to act in that manner.”

From their police department. But I guess that’s a lie as well?

By the way this article is from Canada, who gives a fuck about Canada anyway faggot.

Edit: Do you not know that every protest, police infiltrate right? That’s par for the course.


How old are you?

Lol the police admitted it later and come on the guy in the video is breaking the law. Canadian example was the first one I found.

>The objective of the police is to stop the looting and burning. Period. That’s their job.

Lmaoooooooooooo (&c)

Why do you think the riots started in the first place? Police in america are thugs. They've killed two dozen protestors and it's only been a week

The USA spends 200 billion dollars per year on law enforcement they easily have room for a few cars (at much less than 100k)

Can you at least link to some drama, you worthless fucking faggot?

I don't mind burning shit or shooting cops.

But you need to burn government shit.

The local Target has nothing to do with police violence. Go burn a courthouse or smash the car of a legislator.

If you are only now raising the people who genuinely believe women can become men or voice versa, are cognitively dissonant/retarded, isk what you've been up to for the past 6 years

I hope the store owners of all community owned stores shoot all looters in self defense. Only luxury stores for rich people and chain stores selling Chinese made crap like Nike and Target can be ethically looted. Happy now?