You ever feel like it'd be easier to just assimilate into the woke normie sphere?

1  2020-06-03 by TrumpFan1350

I've been thinking about this for a while simply due to all the black pills.

Any thoughts on this?


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Neo liberals arent your friends

Good, nice post to print and wipe my ass with it later on. I believe dedicated people can write a shitton like those/make fake researches, put up 2+2 and make it seem like legit stuff, yeah?


  1. You ever feel like it'd be easier t... -,

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Damn... blackpilled again

You can’t go back brother. Part of the ship part of the crew.

Ultimately no. But perhaps it's easier to simply fall in line...

You can try, I did. But inside I cannot forget the truth.

woke sphere and normies aren't the same

Idk... after seeing that crowd of white people kneel before their black kings I'm starting to think wokeness is embedded in the very spirit of whites.

That crowd was nothing new. Back in the late 80s/early 90s, there was some event on racial injustice. At one point, a white woman got up and tearfully apologized for racism/slavery. A black woman snapped back that she didn't want an apology, she wanted 40 acres and a mule.

Eventually, the pendulum swung back and people were happy to be free of the politically correct era. It returned, but I think we are already past the peak and these riots are only speeding up a return to normalcy.

Thank you brother I'll hold on to hope for a bit longer.

Hulk Hogan, brother.

While this is true, isn’t there more public support for the riots now? Especially with how normies, public figures, & corporations are all treating this, I can’t see it going away.

isn’t there more public support for the riots now?

Compared to when?

They are a small group in reality, social media just amplifies their retardedness. Many more will look at the riots with horror and turn away from this shit.

Cope bro, all the normies are doing the black squares thing. It's ridiculous.

Performative wokeness. Only brocialism can save us from the neoliberal hive

No. These wokies are literal idiots. They bash mayos for whatever they can while somehow ignoring the fact that mayos are the most tolerant towards sexual/ethnic minorities. Wokies claim to hate capitalism while promoting policies that ultimately benefit the multinational mega corporations. I'm not even white and I can see this bullshit for what it is. Like there is a reason why everyone wants to move into USA/Europe but not vice versa.

Whatever you say is never enough, it's just about being above you in the social totem pole. Just say the bare minimum and move on

The woke normie sphere is considered retarded outside the internet.

Has it occurred to you that the amount of “offline world” that remains uninfluenced by the internet shrinks every time a zoomer gets an iPhone?

I don't know. I don't hang out with zoomers.

You can assimilate because you do need friends in life and you can't be angry all the time, but never give up your values, what you are witnessing is probably the largest brainwashing effort in the history of mankind, and you shouldn't fall for it as well. Stay strong.

If we put away all 9000 levels of irony for a second and look at the situation in a very simple context, I’d say it boils down to this: it’s easy to be retarded, and we all have to decide for ourselves if we want to be retarded.

i wanna assimilate to the normiesphere

Go out to a protest and see just how far that will take you lmao