r/AskHistorian Jannies Angry At Admins for "Providing a home for 'hate speech". These 'people' didn't get bullied enough.

1  2020-06-03 by YoungDeathDeity



I wonder if the other woke subs will follow. Imagine if woke Reddit was shut down?

In addition, we would like to express solidarity with other subreddits which have chosen to similarly go dark or otherwise temporarily shut down, including r/nfl, r/nba, r/hiphopheads, r/popheads, r/indieheads, r/GoodOmens, r/military, r/Screenwriting, r/XFL, r/DankMemes, r/Music, r/EDM, r/punk, r/DebateAnAtheist, r/polytheism, and r/AskReddit. Please modmail us if your subreddit ought to be included in this list.

All shitty subs that I never heard of

r/punk, r/DebateAnAtheist, r/polytheism

Oh no, what a terrible loss

No mention of r/drama.... Sed

Wait drama's icon is pure white rn 😳

also the Toyota subreddit apparently lmao

I could understand the Nissan or Dodge Charger subreddits going dark, but Toyota?

Lot of soyboys drive a Toyota Prius mang

Gamers are a legitimate oppressed minority or something

I was high on blow last night and I wrote this. I have deleted the original post, but fuck it here it is.

This is a REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY unpopular opinion. But I guess thats the point of This subreddit.

You might have seen the memes on the internet saying how gamers are the most oppressed group on the earth. And how they will “Rise Up”. On the surface this is a pretty stupid, and mostly nonsensical meme. But despite how ridiculous it might seem, there is a line of truth to the meme.


  1. r/AskHistorian Jannies Angry At Adm... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Daily reminder they do it for free

Do they? Some do, certainly, but don't you think some of them might be sponsored by a certain group(s)?

Pitch my tent Jannie, pitch my traveling home. Send your wife to my tent. Send your wife out where we will make sure the shoah goes on, janny. You can clean up tomorrow for $0.00. Everyone wins.

If you really want to ask a historian something just look up a history professor from your alma mater and email them.

You're not bothering them. They have nothing better to do.

Naughty jannies just want take a break. No breaks clean up my mess

Agreed. We should also provide them with a pay raise. I suggest 150%

i wish they'd get anything controversial banned. then a new site could finally have potential to rival reddit.

T.r.a.n.n.y jannies mad at the job they do for free.

Janny tears are the saltiest of them all.

Lol one of the mods there is a writer for leftoid hellhole Slate

I honestly can't think of a more slacktivist virtue signal than temporarily not allowing posts on a subreddit for a couple hours. Dude thinks he's actually doing something. The fucking cringe.

Strong username to post content ratio

Noooo not the heckin’ obnoxious first person perspective questions!!!

“I’m a childish faggot living in the 21st century who posts threads in r/askhistorians that start with ‘I’m a...’ Should I simply be beaten to death with baseball bats or do I deserve a more exotic punishment?”


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What subs are they bitching about? This place bans like all of the good ones.

In addition to the subreddits listed above we would also like to express our solidarity with further subreddits that have decided to shut down and/or take further action: r/watchpeoplesurvive, r/witchesvspatriarchy, r/tax, r/Screenwriting, r/chefit, r/Toyota, r/malefashionadvice



these jannies unironically believe that what they are doing is equivalent to doing actual change in the real world. Like they think shutting down a subreddit changes the world for the better more than volunteering in a soup kitchen or something lmao

You don't get it dude, not being able to browse an obscure internet forum is how you inspire change

"Protest" lol that suggests you have something to gain