Monke guide us back to tradition

1  2020-06-03 by Main-Activity


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Reject modernity, return to monke

Jamie pull up that picture of the hairless chimp.


Monkey? based?


Legit, this monke is YOKED

veganism is right.


Chimps eat meat

Chimps have the optimal diet of lots of plants with some wild game meat mixed in. Chimps are Paleo.

shut the fuck up dude... SHU! th3 FUCK UP!!!!!!



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This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Monke guide us back to tradition -,

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Monke play video backwards, away from gallows, away from trail. Monke intos sunset with moid pal to pitch tent and a river runs through it.

My ancestor 😍

kuffar be like "so this is my grandpa"

Your cousin


Not your ancestor but both of you probably share a common ancestor

You don't know his life. Maybe he's related to that specific monkey.


My brudda

Ok a**thiest

That Monke is stacked. Just watch how little effort he puts into lifting an adult man at that angle. Thanks Monke.

The guy obviously uses his legs to push himself up, the monke us mostly just stopping him from falling backwards. Still impressive but so many of you retards think the based monke does all the work.

human propaganda

oo monky

Flairless mong

Probably true but chimps are remarkably strong, 2.5 times pound-for-pound and 1.5 times stronger period. They have much more fast-twitch muscle fiber.

Fuck Joe Rogan, I'd beat the shit out of a chimpanzee, single leg into back mount and finish it off with a RNC. Done.

I'd pay good money to see you try.

Bring me meth and a chimp and you'll see.

That was my second request! Could we get the fighter and the chimp of different drugs, to raise the stakes? PCP monke vs methhead.

Actually this is something very interesting about PCP. When you give it to a chimpanzee it just makes them fall asleep. In fact, PCP was traditionally the preferred way of sedating them when transporting them here from Africa.

Might make the fight more fair then.

what the hell were they trying to accomplish when they figured out PCP makes them sleepy?

I can’t stand these fuckin tards

“Bro their neck is STACKED, you can’t even choke them out bro, DONT you watch JOE ROGAN???”

Shut the fuck up spergs, any adult human over 160lbs with remotely decent training would absolutely fuck this monkey up.


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There isn't really any way to train to deal with the pain when the canine teeth come down on you.

Lmao that’s true. But tbf people experience worse pain in just normal human fights, people get their face sliced open (usually by elbows, knees, accidental head collisions) all the time in MMA, Muay Thai, etc.

Any striking sport where elbows are legal you’ll often see people get their forehead turned into goat vaginas and aren’t visibly bothered by the pain (the blood getting in their eyes definitely bothers them however).

People who compete in these sports “feel” the pain but during the fight it’s not nearly as bad as it should be.

I hate the fuckin dorks who say “Bro ADRENALINE, humans can’t feel ANYTHING cuz they got ADRENALINE PUMPIN”, because adrenaline won’t do shit for a lot of injuries. But when it comes to something like bites, cuts, or minor bone breakage, it definitely mitigates the pain.

I’ve gotten my forehead sliced open by a headbutt during state duels in wrestling and the only reason I knew I was gashed open was because I started leaking all over the other guy.

I didn’t start feeling the actual cut until they stopped the match for blood-time (5 minutes to contain the bleeding) and wrapped my entire face in bandages. Once the actual match was stopped though the pain hit all at once.

I've never seen an MMA fighter eat someone's face. Chimps eat faces all the time.

Yeah a chimp would maul the average person. Im talking about extremely athletic martial artists (specifically MMA) who have been fighting their entire life.

An average chimp is 3-4 feet tall and weighs 80-150 lbs. Do you really think this genetically modified Rock Golem wouldnt stand a chance against a 5”3 chimp

Are you telling me this Cracka-Gorilla WOULDNT maul a manlet chimp??

I’d even have my money on these two flyweight GOATs (~140lbs during their fight) over a chimp

Get shot

You'd shoot a single on a monkey that's half your height? You wouldn't be able to reach its legs. IMO just jab it and shuck it off whenever it tries to lunge at you. It can't keep lunging forever, monkeys have bad cardio relative to humans (hopefully). I'll make the monkey look like josh koscheck vs gsp. Hypothetically.

Im 5'7, me and the monkey are the same height

Condolences brotha 😔

Its cool, I can gymcel and put on muscle faster than any of you lanklets plus movie theatres think Im a child and I get the reduced ticket pricing.

just look at some chimp attack photos, they can pull a face off

Jaime, pull that shit up.

Yeah 1.5 times stronger than the average man. You bet ur ass that Eddie hall could snap one in half.

Google told me a chimp is 4 or 5 times stronger than a man, not 1.5,

Average man not average soylet. Google probably think there are "men" out there below 6 feet. 🤣🤣🤣

we are the brothers retard (aka the retard brothers), and we have a little something up our sleeves (maybe a trick slash plan, haha)

Schizo moment

U sound so mad

chimps have a ridiculous amount of upper body strength. look at this one

Really really thought that was going to be a picture of Joe Rogan.


Look at the balls on that thing! It'll rip your arms off!

Shout-out to mods of /r/JoeRogan being gigantic shithole pussies.


brought a tear to my eye.. this is peak.. race relations will never get better than this




Haha look at me I'm calling black people monky hahaha.

Haha black people are monke hahaha give me likes.

he cute

Yeah my nigga cute as fuck

For real. I want to give him a red shirt and make him my partner in crime like the shifty Arab from Indiana Jones.

This is so powerful...

The way he grabs his hand was so delicate yet so strong....

We must return to origin, become monke again, togheter.

He grabbed his hand like that to demonstrate submission. Truly beautiful to see monke in action

oooo ooh aaah ooo aaah eee ahh

Stunning and brave






Finally some peaceful protestor

Wholesome monke 😍😍😍

im happy this is a monke sub now

Wow the disrespect. Didn't you know that all deuxcels are actual monkés who got kicked out of their monké group. Our group leaders are on some grug level of retardation. Old dusty ass animals that I cannot associate my self with no more.

So you may ask what about the monkés in this sub? yeah we're scatted around this planet, we may never meet in real life. But one thing we share for certain is that we all have cognitive abilities similar to humans. We steal electronic devices from humans and ever since we discovered the internet it's been really a great learning experience. This subreddit allowed me to meet my relative monkés from around the world and I'm great for it.


Please use my proper human pronouns: he/him not 'it'. Yes I'm transhuman.



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We chimp sub now.

check out the 'early life' on that second monke's wikipedia page

Big nose monke say I stole 6 million of his banana, but me not think there even 6 million bananas in the jungle at that time

the time it take to peel 6 million banana in just a few years doesn't add up

would require peeling 100 bananas a second

Most people are impressed about how apes use tools, but that monkey's skipped ahead all the way to inventing usury.

My fellow monkes



You mean species dingus, phenotype is the the expression of different alleles within a species, like how people have different eye or hair color.

Fair enough, I had no idea simians exhibited such a huge range of morphologies.


Return to MONKE

damn they are pretty strong

They can kill you easily if it's more than two

ancestral fistbump

It's funny how he turns the dudes hand when helping him up. Showing your palm like that is a sign of submission but this monkey things of him as higher in the pecking order so he also extends his hand palm facing upward.

Fuck other species 😒🤮

All my niggas fuck with monkés only 😈😈💯

Fuck other species

White woman alert


Somebody make r/monke_ethnostate a thing

Based monke


Unironically beautiful.


why be a bigoted asshole when you can be an inclusive alpha like the guy in the video? smh my head

Face eating imminent

how dare you say this about the primates of peace


unironically very cool

Fuck it, I'm unironically finding a group of apes to live with for the rest of my life

Monkes understand gibs. And they get mad if anyone gets more. I wonder what it reminds me of?


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Stop racism! 👱🏻‍♂️🤜🏻🤛🏿🐵

You can see him really straining.

Monke chad


Thanks grandpa

In this thread: people missing the Y on their keyboard


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monke being bro


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Who's cutting onions?

society has progressed past the point of humans

society is now run by monke


lil wayne

This is actually a good animal video, unlike Le chonkers Le floof Le doggo Le lil grabbies


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