Anarchist Says That Butchers Shouldn't Get Killed, Veganarachists Seethe

1  2020-06-03 by Actic_Reddit

Apparently, for some odd reason. Butchers were receiving high attacks from vegans. It was posted on r/anarchism.

Obviously, one anarchist felt its pretty fucked up to attack the working class. Some other anarchists though, disagree and believe they deserve it because they're attacking innocent beings.

The discussion later turns into how it's a very large hierarchy to be a meat eater. And how many meat eaters are just oppressing the poor animals.


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Anarkiddies are the most retarded by far. Hell, they make wignats and tankies sound smarter.

Reddit anarkiddies don’t even know what actual anarchists stand for. Like you don’t just smash shit and light shit on fire without a purpose. You especially don’t attack fellow citizens and small business. Idk maybe I’m old school... but these guys arent standing against the man and General oppression against class and race.


Maybe it's anemia causing the foot worshipping fad? Splains a lot.

Why does someone with an ideology 9f doing whatever they want, wants to put restrictions on meat, isnt that a little hypocritical, western leftists are a very interesting group how can they miss the point by this much, is this satire? Are they trolling?

Mate it's murder!!!

How can someone unironically compare killing chickens to murder? You'd think they would have learned with everything that's going on

They reply with

"Who are you to judge someone's value?"

It's so fucking retarded tho how can anyone not understand that animals aren't equal to humans?



eating animals is okay because unlike humans they dont have souls


How is the word soul an argument you fucking retard

Okay give me the actual reason, but let me take a guess first

might makes right


Soul is literally a religious/philosophical concept, it has no basis on science. If we're talking about consciousness, animals will never have any dreams, disciplines or ideals. They live to eat, shit and sleep. Using your own argument, you should let your house get overrun by cockroaches because they have a "soul". The whole ideology is fucking retarded, what about the slaves in china that are abused to make the device you're posting from? Do they not have "souls"?

Soul is literally a religious/philosophical concept, it has no basis on science. If we're talking about consciousness, animals will never have any dreams, disciplines or ideals

Are you retarded

Edit: I should add I don't eat chinese people, since you seem to have trouble understanding simple things

Give me an actual argument faggot, how do you equate humans with animals

Suffering is bad, whether that's human or animal suffering

Wow so hard I had to perform some real mental gymnastics there

I think the lack of creatine is messing with your brain, I literally addressed this hypocrisy.

Using your own argument, you should let your house get overrun by cockroaches because they have a "soul". The whole ideology is fucking retarded, what about the slaves in china that are abused to make the device you're posting from? Do they not have "souls"?

if you can't stop all suffering you shouldnt stop any


You're using the same retarded arguments every vegan does jfc. "Eating meat is not necessary, we can end animal suffering". Neither is using a car retard, no one is advocating for that.

doubling down

You're doing great, never change

Why can you not stop human suffering if you can stop animal suffering retard? How complicated is it?

Why can you not stop human suffering if you can stop animal suffering retard?

I feel like I shouldn't have called you a retard earlier because now it has less weight

I don't even know where to start, the fact that you think killing is okay because people buy cars is approaching levels of incoherence you typically only find on default subs

This is an insane strawman jfc. Killing ANIMALS and killing HUMANS is different, always has been and always will be. You can't possibly think otherwise.

Oh so you resorted back to the hand wave argument, literally my first guess

humans are better than animals for real reasons that i refuse to articulate, and challenging that is ridiculous for reasons i also will not say

OK let's ignore the fact that you should drink bleach for arguing in autistic quotes, I literally articulated why in my first comment. Every single human with a brain will have actual thoughts, even you. Animals never will.

Every single human with a brain will have actual thoughts, even you. Animals never will.

What is a thought? Its neurons in your brain firing in response to stimuli, of course animals have thoughts you fucking idiot

Yes instinctive thoughts, not rational thoughts. I believe we are fundamentally different and superior to animals, you don't. It's fine to disagree, but I also believe that every human on this planet wouldn't have any difficulty choosing the life of a human over the life of an animal, all else equal. Thus, I don't believe that human and animal "murder" should be compared.

That said, I think veganism is fucking retarded, but I'm not gonna argue about it anymore. I told how you I think it's hypocritical, you completely disagreed, leave it at that.

Yeah we get it you don't like critical thinking

I'm gonna play devil advocate and say that if a human doesn't have actual thoughts, does that mean he/she should die?

Are we talking about people who are clinically brain-dead? I can't think of any other case where that's possible. If so, I think their loved ones already choose to euthanize them right? You're already considered dead I believe.

Yeah, but many anarchists believe it's wrong to euthanize the disabled.

There's a difference between disabled and literally braindead though. Disabled people can still use a version of rationality, despite flawed. Braindead people can't think at all. I'd say animals are more similar to the latter, because I believe rationality is a huge part of what makes us "smart".

Oh ok.

Woah, they eat, shit and sleep? Ableism bro.

Because I'll feel bad if a human dies but I don't give a shit if an animal dies.

Very edgy, if you're over 30 I'll throw myself off my balcony

lmfao anyone over 30 still on the internet should kts

!RemindMeBot 19 years

Anarkiddies would be happy to live under a dictatorship provided that the grocery stories were stocked with vegan food and "woke" media was readily available.

And veganism is an industrial pharmaceutical diet and an aesthetic cope for white nerds. Wonder if they think about how many animals are killed when a forest is razed and the landmass sterilized to make room for their soi crops.

They argue that it's a necessary evil, and when you give them 500 other examples of hypocrisy they'll just say everything is necessary except eating animal products apparently. Anything to justify the autistic ideology they use to feel better about themselves.


Calm down the ableism bro. No but really, autists are actually smarter than those anarchists could ever hope to be.

What's the current anarkiddie consensus on indigenous people eating meat? Is it okay because they're glorious noble savages or should they be forced to become "enlightened" like upper-class white city-dwellers? I dunno if vegans have ever provided a straight answer.

Painful reading. I am digging the "nihilist anti-civ queer" flair that OP's got goin' on tho.

Hey man, I have found the anthem for anarchism

80% of soy grown goes to feed livestock 🤯😨

Old news 😴😴😴

5 years ago? Really nigga?

Anarchism is just a retarded ideology, if you press them a little bit they admit they want to dismantle “unjust” hierarchies. In that case everyone is an anarchist and it’s just a question of what hierarchies they think are just. Also does the butcher even kill the animal? I thought the butcher was the one that cuts up the corpse.

Apparently being a non-vegan means you're not an anarchist!