imagine being a bong lmao

1  2020-06-03 by carpathian-florist


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This is why the muzzies need to win.

‘We won’t arrest rioters, but we will arrest some edgy teens’

WEEE WOOO . OOI ave’ you got a permit fur that thought?


Remember the uk tried to jail count dankula for teaching his dug to salute whenever he said seig heil. What a cuck of a country

Is this in the US??? What the hell?

I guess AHS controls the irl justice system now

You honestly sound like you need to be removed from society. I mean come on dude, like 20 people have given you the logical thoughts on this. Are you really THAT fucking stupid? Or is this an ego thing? You aren’t replying to any comment that actually contests you, you’re just trying to throw your thoughts on other people.


  1. imagine being a bong lmao -,

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”We understand that this social media post has caused significant upset and we want to reassure the public it is being investigated robustly and is being treated as a hate crime," the spokeswoman said.

TFW murder rate in England is double what it was in 1960

tfw poms still more than five times less likely to be murdered than mutts

Seething mutts downvoting

laughs in being not murdered

If you take out the nog cities we’re about the same. The more you bring in the more it’ll even out

Cope. And it’s not me cunt I’m not british, but you lot have higher net and per capita immigration than them anyways

not British

you lot

I’m not American either. Mutts too tarded to read

Calm down, kangaroo Jack

Have sex

Good suggestion

Dilate abo

I'd honestly kill myself for the good of the human race if I wasn't American. I cant imagine how pathetic is must be


That’s because there aren’t enough police stations.

You Romanian, OP?

Nous sommes tous francais ici.

Fuck the french, forget the immigrants on our British soil, the french are our main enemy

/s for fags

/s for f4gs

Just for me??? 😍😍

just for you xxx

This is such senseless gibberish it must've been written by an Australian.




Les roumains sont francais? The fuck.

Les escargot mon cherie, le plergh et trois blondeaux avec omelette du fromage. Oui œuff et eiffel 🤦🏿‍♀️

Even by frog standards this is gibberish

Un chevallier sauvignon la chasse sauvage, aux papillons. C’est pas vrai lmao

Je suis tres bete, pardon

Royale with cheese mon frére


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Hey buddy, i dont speak french, but context clues tell me you're full of shit. We romanians are nothing like the french and are generally quite despised by them.

Are there black people in Romania

Are there white people in romania?

There's one dude on tv who was born in romania and is a black dude. Otherwise no. The coolest eastern european black person is Ibrahim Maiga.

It's strange how there are few black people in Romania, but one somehow became a media personality 🤔

Nah, it has nothing to do with the jews in this case. I think the dude was an mma champion or some shit. In romania people are openly racist, the funniest example was when a news anchor called serena williams a monkey and said she looked like a babboon, and after international outcry the romanian anti discrimintion center fined him and also released a statement that slavery was based on calling black ppl monkeys.

I can’t make up Romanian words, Eastern Europe speaks actual gibberish :(

It'd be the same like making up french but more de's rather than du's and the occaisional i at the end of a word.

Mon ami, fermez votre bouche s'il vous plait.

Tu sais, un président de mon pays a donné la plus haute ordre de mérit a Ceaușescu.

bureaucratic cope

A spokeswoman said two 19-year-old men and one 18-year-old have been arrested on suspicion of sending communications causing anxiety and distress.

How is that a thing... It's just dumbass kids taking a stupid picture.

communications causing anxiety and distress.

Why is CNN still up then?

A photo like that could raise the crime coefficient of anyone that sees it

Take it down

Psychopass, but woke.

What ever happened to 'imitation is the most sincere form of flattery?'

Oi u've got a loisins for being based m8?!

They've stopped giving out edgy tween loisenses a couple of years ago.

Kid makes stupid joke


England, where you can and will be arrested for teaching a pug to lift its paw, making a tasteless snapchat post, and child rape victims will be ridiculed by the police for trying to turn in their grooming gangs.

Worse lol child rape victims will be arrested for prostitution after being raped gang raped

Yikes sweaty that’s part of the Arab and African culture

Imagine leaving the pakis out of it

A r a b s

Imagine leaving the Catholics out of it. And the Protestants. And the Jews. And everyone else in England. And everyone else in Ireland.

I hate this pathetic nation.

used to be the most powerful empire on the planet

now get arrested for mean tweets

How the fuck did this happen

We got colonised by countries we made up.

This whole situation has proven to me that the world truly does revolve around the United States.

No shit

It really must be so fucking weird living anywhere else and having 100% of your media, politics and entertainment determined by us.

Unless you're a Jew, that's exactly the American experience.

I fuckin hate it man.

Which is why I unironically despise America. They've ruined the world, more or less (probably less)

Rent free

Well yeah kinda hard not to

MFW when I realize who owns the 4 companies that own 90% of US media


MFW I realize that nearly all advertising is produced by four corporations owned or founded by a single group of people.

Spill it

It's really difficult to believe these people once conquered China.

Those people don’t exist anymore, they all died in WWI and II.

You either die a hero or live long enough to see your grandchildren cut their dicks off.

Frankly, this is based. Fuck teenagers.

Americans are grasping onto straws after being laughing stocks for a week. Go back to kneeling before your black neighbors and apologising burgers.

Cope and seerhe



You can only use that against "have sex", retard.

Oi you got a loicense for that shitposting g'vnah?

These kids just got redpilled pretty hard. If they didn't already unironically hate blacks they sure as hell will now.

Based Bongistan creating Nazis

I wonder what picture it was

Why the fuck do any of us care about Amerifag shit?

This sub has become overrun by degenerate 13 year old rightoids in a matter of a month it seems.


Looool I think I know the IG of the guys that found out where they live.